Monday, May 31, 2010

FRIENDS are Loved by alien..

OMG YEAH, finally i can log into/ go into the website liao, the previous two days, actually i was going to blog about alot of thing one, BUT those two days i can't freaking log in or i can say i can't freaking go into the page of WWW.BLOGGER.COM.. WTH na, than damn pissed off nor, the feeling of can't blog is like SO NOT GOOD NA.. but NOW it's like FINALLY.. :) *happy*..
In fri 28 may, went shopping with my GF, but not ALL of them na, my Batman, bear bear and others are not free nor, so they nv join us, so only, may, partner, YT and tako + me nia na, went vivo to SHOP and we went to eat Marche.. OMG, i thinki i'm addicted to marche already na, i love their creps and the soup and others na..  and that day i brought a so called "leopard" print de jacket na, and know what, it's is freaking tight de na, (OMG, i grew FAT liao, DIE) after vivo shopping, we went lanning with nic, kenn, ting wei and XH.. than when we are on the train to meet them for lanning, we took SOME photo nia, NOT alot na.. (SO NOT LIKE ME) (usually i go out MUST take alot of photo de..)
Others at FB na..

OK than on sat 29 may,  went to kenn hse for steamBoat.. and TOOK ALOT OF PHOTO la right.. i just show SOME here na, MORE at FB ok, feel free to check them out.. :)
posting 17 PHOTO here na, out of 70++photo.. anyway most of the pic we look weird na,, LOL..
a few SHOOT when we first reach kenn HSE..
most of them taken from meat meat lappy na..
few shoot with my SIS :)
trying to capture joshua and YEAH we did it.. 
joshua is in the PIC.. :)

people in this: EMz, PL, JL, XH, SY, YT

Peace picx
More dude..
me and batman was showing GLEE.. :)

the So called "HAPPY family"
but not all of them are in this picx, samuel and joshua and kenn didi not HERE na..
but i love this.. 
than samuel appear but not tgt with joshua..

while we are playing some game.. :)
anyway most of the pic, nic hand keep covering YT face na..

Than ytd sun 30may, it's mak birthday, so asked him to come to my hse to celebrate with him as part of the reason is i sleep till too late liao, and i too lazt and dun feel like going out na.. so just help me celebrate his birthday at my hse na.. :)
the food he had for birthday.. :)


 i LOVE didi.. :)
a pic of showing that i'm having my secong piece of cake, i LOVE to eat cake.. :)
and it look un glam as USUAL na..

and just being random for NOW, i just want to say I LOVE and MISSES all my beloved friends.. :)
HUGS and KISSES to them..
* while hugging and kisses them, all the friends PUSH me away*.. LOL
Alien MISSES her friends..

Friday, May 28, 2010


YEAH, finally meeting my beloved GF tmr.. but sad thing is not meeting ALL of THEM.. some of them can't make it, and some are like disappear and MORE na.. shopping shopping shopping, YEAH.. and hopefully later i'll find some of the things that i wanted.. and i'm SURE that i'm buying some DARK chocolate late, desperate for them nowDays, COFFEE too.. PLUS NOW, not just my boobs hurt, every part of my body hurts too.. ARGHHH DAMN it.. hopefully later i will have the mood to shop and etc na, BAD MOOD NOWDAYS, plus every part of me are hurting, SO that why.. HATE THAT.. and later meeting them 12.30pm at my batman foret buStop, anyway just we are chatting about the meeting venue, than is like DAMN confuse de na, may ask, where is batman forest, than actually i was planning to reply that, "you can ask robin or cat Woman for help in the direction" but i didn't.. as that conversation seem serious na, so it's like kinda random for me to say that na.. LOL meeting them 12.30pm, which also mean i got to wake up at 9am++ liao, latest 10am++.. hopefully i'll wake up in time and have enough time to prepare and choose the clothes i want to wear na, dunno what to wear nor, sianx.. i NEED MORE CLOTHES na.. so SHOPPING later, hope i can get some thing which is not that EX and the thing i wanted na.. nitex to my readers.. LOVES
will be sleeping right after watching my show.. standard already.. :) goona get some honey Stars with milk while watching show man.. :)

-please don't stop the music-Rihanana..

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Just watch finish the latest episode of GLEE, and damn, it's awesome.. love it.. this episode 20 is all about lady Gaga.. ( more LOVE to that) i love the part when those girls dress up as Gaga, and the scene when they sing BAD ROMANCE.. their costume of dressing up like ladyGaga are awesome too.. just two words to describe it, AWESOME + LOVES.. after watching, immediately go and download GLEE version of those songs man, love that GLEE version of bad romance.. especially when Kurt (chris colfer) sang the first part of bad romance.. i'm totally in love with that.. and love it when will say that" i founded some AMAZING NEWS about lady gaga".. so it prove that our beloved LADY GAGA, is amazing and awesome..
therefor just now, tako also told me that she LOve gaga again, anyway i forgotten why she suddenly told me that already..
AND today 27th MAY is chris Colfer (kurt) birthday, (although for American today is 26th may, we are one day earlier than them na..) so in advanced HAPPY BIRTHDAY to CHRIS COLFER.. and today is also qiqi birthday too.. happy birthday to her too.. anyway i found it that, have a same birthday date as a celebrity is a thing to be proud of na.. LOL  but too bad i did not have the same birthday date as the celebrity.. but my batman had the same birthday and YEAR too, as Selena Gomez.. LOVE her too..
back to my topic, GLEE.. i love this episode about gaga one.. vote 5 star out of 5 stars.. FULL MARKS.. GAGA you rule my world.. LOVES

-WANT your bad romance-  lady gaga

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


YEAH, once again jobless for weeks.. today work till 1pm than stop working already, than WENT HOME.. ang got my 1and half day de pay.. *HAPPY* finally got some cash liao.. :)  actually i was suppose to work till this sunday than nv work de, than today that person told me than, since i dun wan to continue to work already, than i can left liao nor, luckily is she told me to left that early, if not i work till sunday, i think i will go MAD na.. + luckily dun need to pay them 7 day de pay, as i did notice them than i will be leaving marh, cux if not if i just anyhow left, i'll need to pay them 7 day de money na.. so today LAST DAY, damn happy na, but sad is than ONCE AGAIN, JOBLESS.. but heard that another job i'll be working at far east (korean restaurant) mak cousin de na.. than start work on 7thJUNE nor, so that mean that i will be rotting again for like around 1 week plus nor.. got job in june, better than DUN have any single job na.. rot for one week better than ROT for month right..
but was wondering, if there is any job which only need to work for one week only na, because i'm quite sick and tired of rotting liao na, PLUS also need MORE money too, return my debt, buy new stuff and much more na.. PLUS SAVE MONEY FOR MY UPCOMING chalet IN JULY.. will be updating that chalet around end of the JUNE na.. so stay tune.. CAN"T wait to turn 18, for some serious partying , and some other stuff.. hehehx.. *wink, wink*.. can someOne read my mind, and know what i'm thinking abt.. LOL
ARGHHH, so bored now, and know what while typing this post, for no reason, my boobs hurt na.. DAMN.. feel like my boobs gonna explode already, ARGHHH.. eyes also pain + tired too.. and just painted my nails, BLACK + RED.. hehex.. so this one week rotting, i'm goona be that wild gurl again, if i got that chance to go out and have some of those fun again.. MUWAHAHAHAx..
goona catch some show and eat some cereal before heading to bed..
UPDATE soon.. LOVE YA.. 

being a bitch is the BEST..
"i'm kissing all the boys and the girls, someOne called the doctor, cus i lost my mind"

Monday, May 24, 2010


Today first day of work SUCK alot.. ARGHHhh.. RAWR.... those person over there is like so WTF na, like those fucking attitude de WHAT EVER shit they are na.. quite pissed to work over there nor, but it's much more better than the boon lay shopping center that one which sell those USELESS sweet one.. BUT this also SUCK too.. especially their people over there na.. PLUS my birthday haven over yet, so not OFFICALLY 18yrs old what, so i can't touch those cigarette which they are selling also, that is so call like some mama shop na, GOT newspaper, magazine, drinks,  sweet, tabits, phone card and MUCH MORE na.. what ever shit, they also have na..  than is like at the morning 6.30am++++ they are FUCKING crowded na, alot of WORKING peeps, and etc..... than morning is like kinda "busy" like siao na, than around 8am++ not that crowded already, but there are still customer na, CUSTOMER are ALWAYS coming in na.. than not that busy is like ROT at there, than those "OLD" workers chit chat and like COLD cold US na, us = me plus a woman which is also new na.. than know what, when there are alot of ppl, than is like very LUAN marh, than is like i got to take the money and change to the person na, ( as you all know, my MATH / calculation SUCK like hell na) than i change very slow what, than the "OLD" worker over there is like DAMN RUDE + seem like she is pissed na, than just took the money i'm counting and change to the customer na, than i was like WTF nor, ARGHHHH.. than when it's around 2pm++ a 21yrs old china worker, he is like the KIND one in the shop nia nor, he brought ice cream for us na, than like we are eating ice-cream while serving customer nor, is like so WTH right.. and MUCH MORE FUCKING thing happening there, which make me DAMN freaking + FUCKING + everything UNHAPPY and sad PLUS STRESS nor.. hais, the JOB SERIOUSLY SUCK alot.. UNFRIENDLY WORKERS (ALL OF THEM, expect that ONE of the china guy) than there is like kinda hot too, PLUS alot of uncle too.. ( but nvm, i didn't dress untill too WTf na, LOL, [that wat i usually dress ba, dress like wtf..] work ofcouse need to dress smart and what so ever na) BUT know what, i was told not to wear slipper na, than today i went there is like ALL of those FUCKING girs are wearing slipper nor, and the new one are also wearing slipper too na, so WTH right,  and all dress like not so working type de nor, t-shirt OK na, than is like not long pant but short SHORTS na.. UGHHHH, FINE tmr i'll be wearing short SHORTS too..
than today after work, i did called that person that i work till this coming Sunday than dun wan to work already (FUCKING STRESS and PISSES na) cus as he say that if dun wan work mus notice them 7 day in advanced na, than they tell me to try a few more days na, but is like seriously i dun think it suit me nor, (i think i'm better at being a waitress na) than i was like wondering that if tmr i work, is it like counted in that 7 day advanced or like normal working as she told me to try few more days what. CONFUSE nor, ASS them na.. than is like when i'm calling and talking to them i was like already dropping tears liao nor, for no reason na,  GUESS too stress or whatever na.. i was Like crying NOT kind of hard after ending the called na.. hais.. =(
than i think after that job, i guess i will hate JP / boon lay MRT those shop already.. PISSED OFF NA..
hope tmr will turned out to be better na.. HOPE SO, PRAY PRAY...  gonna head to bed soon, but after i finish one EP of my show first, and i'm DAMN hungry NOW  /AGAIN..  FOOD + show time again.. nitex reader :)

wish me LUCKS

today will be sleeping early, but right after i finish my show na.. WIZARDS.. selena is go funny and cute in that show.. LOVES..starting job later. hmmm like around 6 more hour PLUS to 6.30am (START work) hope everything went smooth.. wish my luck man.. ALL THE BEST Jael.. JIAYOU.. jiali = jiayou..
anyway was wondering that when will the pay be coming out na.. cus our yt is planning some Genting trip during JUNE.. hope the pay come out ASAP, than i got extra cash to go HAPPY liao.. lol.. and it's MAY ending now, it 24thMay  and soon JUNE will be COMING, than JULY, YEAH, birthday birthday COME to ME SOON.. than i'll be 18 than can party like siao, ( like in those not tou tou muo muo de partying) OFFICIALLY 18 is exciting huh.. :)  so gonna watch show, than heading to bed RIGHT after my show.. SO night to all readers..
LUCKS and WISHES for me also.. :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010


NowDays i'm freaking ADDICTED to ALOT of NEW songs.. but in my number one chat, is always christina aguilera song " NOT MYSELF TONIGHT" and her album is coming out in 4 or 8 JUNE Album Name : BIONIC.. DEEP LOVE.. now more NICE song are ALL popping out.. LIKE this song are in my favourite too.. Taio Cruz Ft Ke$ha-Dirty Picture , Miranda Cosgrove-Kissing u ,  3OH!3 feat Ke$ha-My First Kiss , Katy Perry ft. Snopp Dogg - California Gurls.. and MUCH MORE.. just now can't remember all na.. STM getting MORE worse.. OLD already na.. *sad*

PS: HOPE tmr working place, they will PLAY NICE music na, NOT thoe kind of OLD OLD de lao ren song na.. LOL better if they play 987FM.. :)
DAMN feel like patying NOW.. DANCE DANCE and KISS EVERYONE.. LOL, gonna FLOOD my TWEET again, and perhaps FLOOD my friend twitter home page and friends from FACEBOOK home page..


BACK for blogging =)   so my did my Blog found any spider wed?   HMmm i guess nope.. had not update quite a long time already huh.. so here i'm ONCE again.. And Guess what, i got another job already.. but AGAIN, work alone one.. *sad* but it's nearBy one.. working at JP, selling those phone's card, or what ever de na, NOT that sure because, had NOT started yet.. lol.. starting that job tmr, and it's like i MUST freaking WAKE UP at 5am++, hmmmm around 5.30am or latest 5.40am, as i MUST reach JP at 6.30am, the JOB start at 6.30am SHARP what.. and the person also told me NOT / CANNOT be late na.. so i think from nowDays, i MUST sleep MUCH MORE earlier already.. but i feel kinda wired to sleep early nor, hmm today i shall sleep at LATEST 2am ba.. (usually slept at 5 to 6am one nor) *improvement NEEDED* quite excited for that, and it's like work for 6days per week na, one day off nia.. one hour like around $5 bucks nia nor, kinda little na, one month $1560 if i worked from 6.30am to 6.30pm na,.. HOPE that first day of work will be interesting and everything will be fine na.. PLUS, hope that i will not see anyone from my EX school JVS, or seen any teacher na right.. if not i will feel kinda wired na.. and SAD thing is NO MEAL PROVIDED.. lol, hehex, i wan job that got provide FOOD one na, like that can save money and also dun need trouble that what to eat what.. and it will be better if clothes are provided too.. LOL, but this job is like if i want to quit or what must tell them 7 DAYS earlier nor, if not i'll NEED to PAY them back 7DAYS de PAY na.. SO hope this job and everything will be successful ba.. :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

meaning of KISSES

"WHAT EACH KISS MEANS"- Kiss on the Forehead: We're cute together .
- Kiss on the Cheek: We're friends.
- Kiss on the Hand: I adore you.
- Kiss on the Neck: I want you, now.
- Kiss on the Shoulder: Your perfect.
- Kiss on the Lips: I LOVE YOU... :)
FB status post by wanny, COPY RIGHT...
but totally, AGREEING it.. lol
liking it too.. "LIKE" 
and hell YEAH, imma gonna kiss everyone i know, when i saw them next time, but mostly all kisses on cheek only na.. ;)

Thursday, May 13, 2010


OMG, know what, i got a job, from dunno who and the dunno what place na.. it's like WHAT, suddenly pop out de nor.. WIRED + CONFUSE.. plus GLEE is UP, yeah, watching it now,  (waiting it to load finish, while blogging, it stopped suddenly and got to wait again, ARGHhh WTF..) than later 9.45am got to report to boon lay shopping center, and seriously i dunno where the hell is that place na.. got to search like SIAO later.. but the job is like only for two days nia na.. So i think it's not such a big deal huh, + that also not a JOB that i can work for like the other day's na.. TWO days of work, better than NO work and ROT at home na.. and NOW it's like fucking late already na, + can't (DON'T ) sleep yet, cus my GLEE haven load finish and before heading to bed, I MUST watch finish GLEE series 18 na, (the latest one) and now than i know that Glee season one has 22 Episode all together.. And season two will be out in like next year 2011 na, it's like OMG damn LONG ok.. than now episode 18 is about "Laryngitis",, and i LOVE the scene when kurt is making out with Brittany and he ASKED "What do boys’ lips taste like? And her answer, Dip, burgers, or my armpit... it's like SO LOL na ( like the part when kurt ask Brittany the Question, NOT the thing that they are making out, don't think TOO dirty,  + actually i'm like kinda dirty, BUT NOT ALWAYS TOO, LOL)
anyway the next episode 19 will be out in MAY 18, follow by 25 than 1 June and 8 JUNE na .. 8th June will be the finial episode 22 na.. it's like KINDA long huh.. ARGHhhh.. OK gonna watch GLEE liao, and awhile more heading to bed to catch some sleep and than GOES to work.. GONNA blog the working thinngy too.. stay tune.. :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

that LIFE

 a day had past ONCE AGAIN.. and currently NO JOB too.. WHAT THE FUCK na, ARGHHH,, everyday ROTTING at home, than nothing to do, except using com, update some celebrity news, watch show, blog and nothing else already.. that how my life are NOW.. so unMeaning.. life is so boring.. feel like going to find a job, but the problem is, i DON'T WANT to WORK ALONE.. work alone VERY lonely and sad de nor, than usually will be bullied by those older people or what de na.. BUT if seriously i can't wait anyMore, i'll get any job that are hiring na, any JoB will do.. as long as NOT too FAR, and the PAY is acceptable can already.. if FAR, the pay is like WOOOO, super GOOD, that that will do also.. NOW i NEED MONEY na.. NO choice..
READERS, if Uu guys got any job that wnat hire people, contact me OK, just type some msg in my tagBOx will do.. and also leave ur email, so i can contact U na. xD, PLS PLS PLS PLEASE.. i need a JOB soon..
And know what, i just become an Co-Admin in FACEbook, the page of my LOVE / FAVORITE GLEE and people PLEASE show some support and LIKE the fan PAGE.. 
HERE the LINK..  SHOW some SUPPORT, thanks.. and LOVES..
gonna watch Wizards of Waverly Place already.. SELENA GOMEZ is SO cute, David Henrie is so handsome,cool and CUTE,  Jake T. Austin is so cute too.. LOVE Wizards of Waverly Place..

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


 Just found this in seventeen website.some dating thinggy about the guy the you have a crush in or the guys you are with.. (just something that linked to a guy or R/S) xD so her i'm to expose those answer to all my reader's.. :)

1. "I like it when you wear your hair        [the normal way you always are.. (natural).] "
2. "My biggest fear is        [ALOT, losing someone, insects, BIRDS, flying object]"
3. "The place I want to travel to most is      [America]
4. "I think it's adorable when you      [Smile]
5. "My favorite food to cook is           [perhaps anyfood that i know how to cooked]
6. "You know I can't be angry with you anymore when you     [ignore me / flirt around]
7. "When I am alone, I       [Use COM . gone crazy]
8. "My guilty pleasure is       [Nothing much]
9. "I sing          [the son that i love currently , NOT MYSELF TONIGHT]           when I'm in the shower!"
10. "If I could go back in time I'd      [do lots of romantic thing and LOVE/CARE about you MORE]
11. "If I could have a superpower it would be      [rewind back to the past]
12. "My parents don't know that       [I MISS YOU] + alot of things too.. LOL
13. "My most embarrassing moment was     [don't really have one, / can't RMB]
14. "My dream job is      [Modeling / actress / Fashion desginer / Singer]
15. "My worst habit is       [ being TOO lazy]

SO that ALL.. xD

Read more:

If want to know more abt me, y not ask me a Question through WELCOME all readers and fellow peep and dude, bitches too.. LOL xD

And i found another quiz too, from seventeen SITE..
 What does Cheating MEAN to you

i just LOVE SEVENTEEN site and magazine too.. xD

LATE coming

mother;s day 2010 is the FUN day of my life in 2010.. actually just love this year mother's day na.. and woke up damn early too.. just to company mummy to market and have breakfast tgt with sis and bro.. and brought quite alot of thing back to cooked too.. and on that day, sis is the chef :) (she helped out na..) although we don't have that much money to bring mummy out for some fantastic and super nice dinner, but we helped out in cooking and ETC na, can said that, that day was a interesting and fun day too.. :) and while they are cooking, the kitchen is like HELL like tat na.. DAMN freaking HOT inside the kitchen na.. actually i also didn't help that much ( or i can say didn't help out)  was just a there fooling around, take some of their picx, and mum + sis is like sweating like MAD na.. 
 than bro and i went into the kitchen aWhile, than come out to the living room and SAID " AWWW here much better, cooling and it's like heaven like that" LOL..

actually the meal we cooked, is not really that apealing, but it's Damn NICE can.. LOVED.. and the thing's i cooked or made is just that simple mashed potato with egg and mayo in it.. NICE and Yummy too..

and know what, after the meal, i use com, than Mummy suddenly took out a seaShell and gave it to me, i was like o,O HUH????? mummy sometime can be really Random na..
than when i let mummy use com, bro suddenly come out and gave mummy a card, and i read it, was like  so CUTE na.. i did LOL hard.. than i also copied bro and made a MOTHER'S CARD for mummy too.. and drew out our whole family, and tell Uu what, i drew my daddy , until like he is like some kind of perv na, got the kind of perv look in my drawing... WE LOL hard too.. but i think mummy do look the card that me and beo make for her ba.. HOPE SO..  sis got some kind of SUPER sweet cake for mum na, than me and Bro had no money so just made card for mummy na.. she know that we had the HEART can already na.. xD
Anyway, every other day can be mother's day too.. and every other day i would also like ramdom draw mummy some random LOVE card or make some simple food for her to eat..
LOTS of LOVE to my beloved MUMMY, 
MUMMY i love you ALWAYS.. XOXO

Sunday, May 09, 2010

FAST than what i expect

DEAR DAIRY ( copied from GLEE -sue)
it's SUNDAY again.. time PASS fast, damn.. and NOW jobless + Schooless too.. ARGHhhh damn ASS na.. seriously i need to find a job real soon na.. and now days i've been sleeping for the whole fucking day.. if not i didn't sleep la right.. OMG that my life NOW.. SO NOT meaningful.. SAD.. and so NOT interesting too.. ARGHhh..
and JUST watched finish GLEE Ep17 (latest) .. OMG can't wait for the NEXT episode man.. damn, so fucking NICE na.. (actually not that really na) but i JUST LOVE all the song in GLEE.. especially all those MASH UP.. LOTS of LOVES..
and today Sunday 9th May, GUESS what, it's MOTHER'S day.. WOOO, actually we have nothing special planned.. PLUS i have NO MORE MONEY To buy anything for my beloved mum.. so know what i told my mum ytd (sat, when we are watching ghost whisper tgt with dad, Didi & mum) i told mummy that, i hae NO money to buy her any gift, so later at night i'll just make some pancake or maybe other food for her to eat.. hehex   :)  And later going down to market with mum and sis.. xD so GOT to sleep early , perhaps NOW i should go to bed already. as it's kinda late NOW.. 3.43am - LATE / Early ??   actually for me kinda early na, cus now days i went to bed at around 4am to 5am+++ na.. So now, hmm watched some show again before heading to my alien spaceShip for some sleep na.. ( DAMN USE TO calling mySelf an ALIEN already na, thanks to YENN) LMAO.. anyway i had given all my GF a nick na, but haven think of any NICK to call yenn nor.. it's real hard to think of a nick to called her na.. hope i think of a real nice nick for her SOON.. LOL..
leaving to WATCH Wizards Of Waverly Place before sleeping.. BYE to all reader, and lastly HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY.. MUMMY, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.. HUGS + KISSES for u, MUMMY.. and to all mum out there, HAPPY MOTHER's day too.. LOVES to ALL too.. xD

Saturday, May 08, 2010


Guess what, ytd fri (7/05) i woke up at 9PM.. PRO right.. slept at 6am+ than woke up at's like totally fucking late na.. seriously i do admit that i REALLY SLEEP ALOT.. too much already.. than my parents keep told me that my day is the NIGHT, and my night is the DAY na.. when people are going out for work, school or SHOPPING, than at that moment, i was  SLEEPING soundly away.. than when people are going to bed, i'm fucking awake and can't sleep.. my timing is like AMERICAN la.. like our day is their night, and their night is our day.. TOTALLY OPPOSITE.. than once i woke up, my mum is like " WHO ARE YOU", than i was like thinking in my mind that " OMG, is my mum alright".. than she asked "你是人还是鬼"  than i was like CHEY, i thought she forgotten me.. LOL, actually she was telling me in another way that.. WHY THE HELL i sleep so LONG sia.. 6am to 9pm na.. WTF la right.. AGREE ??
FINE, than once i woke up, watched the 红白喜事, than cooked instant noodle to eat, (that my freaking breakfast + Lunch + Dinner + Supper la right) straight away one shoot, complete the day of my food. LOL all together in ONE MEAL.. but in the end i also  didn't finish them na.. (cooked two packet).. maybe headache than didn't finish ba, (reason for headache maybe DUE to SLEEP TOO MUCH ALREADY) than after that use com.. standard one na.. =)
NOW watching GLEE + blogging in the same time.. HEHEX, kinda slow na, watched until EP 16 NOW.. gonna watched EP 17 (the latest) later at night.. NOW (time check) is 4.53am in the MORNING again.. (once again, SO LATE than sleep again..)

YA, just print screen that, can blog and watched GLEE at the SAME TIME.. 

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

LOVE Bear & Tako

i just LOVE the days out with my beloved sisters.. out to TOWN with Tako and Bear, and it's like FINALLY get a chance to meet dao wo de bear bear liao.. *HAPPY*
Actually today we are suppose to meet at 1.30pm, but end up, Tako told me not to left hse first, cus bear will be late.. so in the end, all of us get to board the train to town at around 3++ na.. than firstly went to have lunch first, ate yoshinoya ar @313 somerset .. than after eating at chatting, we walk around 313 anf went to FOREVER 21 to look for Tako jeans, but unfortunately, she didn't found the jeans that she wanted.. (sad case na) than walk around AGAIN, went toilet, and OFcouse i would automatic took out my phone and CAPTURE CAPTURE.. xD

So after that WE feel like drinking Coffee VERY MUCH, so went to ion de coffee bean.. xD
And waiting for huncheng to come, than chatted again, QUITE happening na.. so AFTER drinks, ofCouse is toilet time, STANDARD one.. ( Never CHANGED) 
after that went to buy bubble tea for MAK, than went off liso, than we had our dinner at around 8++ na, SUPER late na, than brought okonomiyaki, 

tako say VERy nice na, and know the piece that i got, inside had one small tiny hair.. WTF na.. dam gross nor,ARGHhhh.. but i just put that away and continue eating na, MY DINNER ne, plus dun waste food too.. xD than  bear bear very cute na, huncheng got for her ramen marh, than it cost $12++, than bear bear is like WAH, so ex de raman na.. ARGHhh dunno how to describle na, just that bear bear very funny nia na.. than after dinner is like 9 going 10++PM liao, *fucking LATE* than i suggest to take the red line to last stop than back to JE marh, so inside the train, when it reaches marina, took photo again.. 

And know what when we are inside the train, there was a FUCKING uncle, tou tou taking picture of US na, WTF nor, saw tako blog, they she say that fucking uncel taking my pic nia, but is like he really look like taking ALL of use de pic what, or maybe just me, i dunno na, WHAT so EVER na, just know that he took pic of "US" nia.. ARGHHH, and wah lao, this time i wear till not so open liao nor, than y still got this kind of fucking GROSS people sia.. pissed off na, that time nick birthday got people asked " can be friends with ypu" FUCK OFF nor, but i still rmb that american say that "nice dress, have a great night" hahax, that sentence form him, i would never ever forget na right, AMERICAN are SO FUCKING HOT... OMFG *faint* (anyway that time i like tat dress, people asked and looked, not wired na,) but NOW this time this flower dress OK nor.. but still got FUCKING GROSS singapore uncle take pic.. WTF nor.. jus wann kick in their nuts sia.. WTF, ARGHHhh.. 
ya, so anyway reach home at around 11+ ba.. xD

HOTNESS never END (Christina Aguilera)

WARNING FLOODED with Christina Aguilera HOT stuff..

ARGhhhh i think now i'm CRAZY over Christina Aguilera NEW song "Not Myself Tonight" From her new album "Bionic"
Listening to it EVERY NOW and THAN.. HOT songs na.. HOT and SEXY video too.. hehex *wink, wink* 

Not Myself Tonight lyrics by Christina Aguilera 
You know tonight, I am feeling a little out control
is this me, you wanna get crazy, because I don't give a...

I'm out of character, I'm in rare form
And if you really knew me, you'd know its not the norm

Cause I'm doing things that I normally won't do
the old me's gone I feel brand new
and if you don't like it fuck you

The music's on and I'm dancing
I'm normally in the corner just standing
I'm feeling unusual
I don't care cause this is my night

I'm not myself tonight
tonight I'm not the same girl same girl
I'm not myself tonight
tonight I'm not the same girl same girl

I'm dancing a lot and I'm taking shots I'm feeling fine
I'm kissing all the boys and the girls
someone call the doctor cause I lost my mind

Cause I'm doing things that I normally won't do
the old me's gone I feel brand new
and if you don't like it fuck you

The music's on and I'm dancing
I'm normally in the corner just standing
I'm feeling unusual
I don't care cause this is my night

I'm not myself tonight
tonight I'm not the same girl same girl
I'm not myself tonight
tonight I'm not the same girl same girl

In the morning, when I wake up
I'll go back to the girl I used to be
but baby not tonight

I'm not myself tonight
tonight I'm not the same girl same girl
I'm not myself tonight
tonight I'm not the same girl same girl

Yah, that feels good, I needed that
Get crazy, let's go, that's right
Come on, give it to me now, don't stop

and inside her video, there is like one part of the lyric saying "I'm kissing all the boys and the girls someone call the doctor cause I lost my mind" and KISSING, she really go kiss a girl in her video na.. OMG na, HOT..
than when firstly i saw her video in youtube, alot of people comment that it look so porn and ETC na.. (actually kind of na, plus got a little moaning sound too, LOL) but not bad liao ne, a turning 30yrs old woman can get this HOT and SEXY and her figure is also WOOHOO de na.. bEST liao nor..( NOT like all the SINGAPOREAN, SO WTF, ARGHhh i hate to be a singaporean, NOT hot + sexy, ALL SLUT + BITCHES and GROSS and MOST IMPORTANT, NOT OPEN enough, {i mean in clothing way, the way they dress, like so CLOSE, NOT OPEN (should know what i mean na) } and mostly Singaporean are NOT WILD enough TOO.. LOVE AMERICAN LOTS na )

anyway i LOVE her eyes too

HER curves

one part of her video, guys touching her boobs na, so OMG..HOT *again*

And i found out that in some previous award ceremony, she KISS GIRLS too.. WOoo, that was quite a old pIC already na..
Left-BritneySpear , Center-Madonna , Right-ChristinaAguilera
AND kisses

seriously kinda like crazy over her now na, WOOO, LOVE "NOT MYSELF TONIGHT"

♥  Christina Aguilera "Not Myself Tonight" Bionic