Monday, August 30, 2010

Tweet longer than 140

just tweeted this, and shall share it over here too.. :)

so damn TRUE "Sadday, Moanday, Tearsday, Wasteday, Thirstday, Fightday", and Shatterday.. the sadness is just surrounding me EVERYDAY.. who know's and NO ONE care..
anyway it's pretty interesting yeah..
Sunday = Sadday (sad day, sad LIFE)
Monday = Moanday ( hmmm , not really moaning that much.. LOL)
Tuesday = Tearsday ( tears are rolling my my cheek, the past few days, and NO one know )
Wednesday = Wasteday ( YEP, my days are wasted as no job, no LIFE, no money, no guy.. LMAO)
Thursday = Thirstday ( erm, not really thirsty also, but tears rolling down alot, so NEED alot of water too)
Friday = Fightday ( YEP, had some fight with family too, HAIS )
Saturday = Shatterday (AGREE that my heart had being shattered by them)..
Shall find a job soon, in order to FORGET LOTS of things, got to keep myself BUSY, REAL BUSY..

anyway but seriously that "monday" *Moanday* is not really that link to the sadness i had.. but "moanday sound interesting yeah.. so girls, go on and moan OUT loud on monday than.. LOL..
and that "thursday" *Thristday* also not really link to my SADNESS.. Hmmmm BUT but BUT, we shall try this, *erm not for sunday *sadday*, don't wanna be sad on every SUNDAY.. so ON monday, just MOAN out loud, than ON tuesday *hmm tearsday huh, hmmm HAPPY tears than*, ON wednesday *hmm Wasteday huh , shall not waste your day, NOT for wednesday too* ON thursday, Thirstday, hmm shall DRINK ALOT alot of water on thursay than.. ON friday *fightday* erm, hmmm, fight for somethign worth it, AHH ha, FIGHT for your GOAL than..  lastly ON saturday, shatterday , hmmm NO shatter hearts PLEASE.. * so not for saturday than*.. :) the "cycle of life yeah.. LOL... *but seriously NOT REALLY right..* AND one more thing, my bear bear just now tweeted "room too crowded", than her tweet make's me feel like going clubbing you know.. cus CLUBBING room is ALWAYS TOO CROWDED right.. arghhh than now, make me feel so desperate for going clubbing.. wanna move my body and dance all around like so crazy wild weird girl yeah.. HAHAx.. hmmm but clubbing NEED MONEY , * Me =NO job = NO MONEY = NO party / Clubbing*  ARGHHH.. so now, might just as well dance around at HOME than.. HAIS.. I WANNA PARTY na.. hmmm, SHALL LOOK FOR JOB * a real stable job SOON* (had texted and email those peeps online those serching for job one, hope they reply soon)   NEED JOB, NEED INCOMES than can PARTY TILL your *or i shall say MY* DROP..  gonna have a JOB HUNTING TRIP SOON..

"I don't want to walk this earth , If I gotta do it solo (solo)" - Solo = Iyaz