Monday, November 15, 2010


Anyway i guess i will not be on blogger that frequently already.. now it's the TUMBLR session ..
so i can say that ALMOST EVERYDAY i will be on TUMBLR updating and reblogging post..
Do check on me / check me out in TUMBLR alright..

Check it out yeah.. TUMBLR is all over the place
and tell you someTing, TUMBLR is some how taking over OMEGLE already
if you are on Omegle chatting with any of the stranger, and if they ask WHAT IS AIR.. don't answer or give them the answer of what is air.... because it's TUMBLR..

Stranger: WHAT IS AIR You: AIR IS LIFE Stranger: WHAT IS LIFE YOU: LIFE IS TUMBLR, And TUMBLR IS GOD.. Stranger : Hell YEAH, TUMBLR, Indeed, tumblr is GOD..

WOOO, TUMBLR all over..
Omegle peeps see Tumblr people TROLLIN' , they are hating it.. WOOO

"Hey check it out , Check it out (x9) , Yeah yeah I'm feeling it now"- Check It Out = Nicki Minaj Ft. Will I Am..

Heal it

GOSH, my cute little bro is getting real SICK.. DAMN DAMN DAMN, ytd midnight he woke up at around 1 or 2am plus, can't remember.. he woke up than started vomiting NON stop.. NON stop you know.. than i was like, GOSH what should i do, than i let him eat some Chinese medicine and his old vomit medicine too.. but all those doesn't help at all can.. thought i can handle him myself, but see him crying till super jia lat than i got no choice than got to wake mummy up to take care of him, at that moment, i felt super useless nor.. hais, DAMN, what a sister i'm na.. seriously like super useless nor, than today morning, mum took bro to see doc than at around 7pm plus he still keep on vomitting, than mum took him down again and had his second injection na.. GOSH, SECOND needle *injection* can.. seriously, dunno what exactly happen to him na, those food he ate, we also did eat nor, but why only him, not us.. Hope he will get better soon .. HUGS to bro.. see him in this kind of situation, my hearts heart too nor.. but there's nothing much i can do, just hope and pray that he will be better that all.. HEARTS brother..

"I feel like our world's been infected, And somehow you left me neglected"-You Lost Me = Christina Aguilera