Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Just realize I've quite a number of post about my ex lol, that show how hard I've to let it go, but thanks to my bf for helping and supporting me to let me leave that woohoo .. Oh well xoxo blackie 😘😘


不知不觉 it's been 7/8 months since I last blog, a lot alot stuff happening, oh well perhaps this will be the place I'll rant on. Ups and down yep I know that's normal in life but oh well some things changes and etc.. 

Sis move back and we got a pink room, I've been at my work for like  hmmm can say very stable 1year already, and yep as you can tell, my English didn't really improve or I shall say it's getting worse, heees. This is singlish not English. Ok where was I, yep job , relationship hmmmm, what can I say about that. Well me and my boyfriend ups and down too but I'm very grateful that I've meet him from friends to colleagues to my beloved most important boyfriend maybe just maybe future husband? Hahah shall not jump to that that fast.. As I've learn don't ever put too much in just a rs bf/gf unless  Marriage I guess, or maybe not, oh well in life there's nothing you can confirm or etc right ? 
Back to my boyfriend, he's hmm not say perfect but very awesome to me,despite my rollercoaster emotional and etc. he's still there supporting me and oh well.. 
Love hate rs, but overall he's still mean a lot to me heees.. Shall work it out till forever and always and make it last. Despite of age or what hmmm?? Wait maybe not .. Age roarrrr!!!!!!!
Ohh ohh ohh and yep another 15thJuly had pass and bam I'm one year older once again, hais. But I really did enjoy a lot this year after since those miserable past and all, well can say not all miserable but really bad bad experience before so yep. I'm glad that where I'm and with who now 😁😘😘😘😘 
Well this stalker me obviously know the one have a partner now too, well as my bf say a diff kind of love for the person perhaps.. No regrets and loving everything now and hopefully more awesome stuff in the future too.. Just need to work on something more that's all.. I believe I can do it..
Speaking of believe , rmb my one and only tattoo, well guess no one reading and shall guess no one rmb, hmm I've new angGong lor (tattoo) like a finally heees, it's kinda big then what I expected but it's pretty awesome and I love it a lot, thanks friend for the intro and bf being there by my side *although that blackie just sit there use phone play game* hahha but with him by my side everything  is fine when tattoo in progress and I've got happy ending result heees.. Pic later.. 
But first let me finish first lol.*sound familiar * hmmmm what more, actually have a lot a lot a lot to rant and complain about that blackie but 家事不可外洋 ok I guess the Chinese word is wrong but I was trying to say *direct translation * (home matter don't anyhow let the outsider know) ehhh I guess..
But overall this blackie make me love and hate , but still this moment make me wanna squeeze muacks him NOW !!!! Lol
Guess that all i wanna say for now after 7/8 mths of not blogging, PLUS I guess no one will come back to this page again, if so there anyone, I'm happy that you'll read till heard to read how nonsense I'm and all heees, xoxo.. Pictures time 😁😘

Oh ya, also did have quite a lot of adventure with my beloved laogong river Safari uh , first ever bintan trip uh and more heees .. 

And yes ICE-skating !!!! Which make both of us wet, ok don't think too much I mean our pants wet wet wet, pardon those wrong mindset lol.. Didn't know falling down tgt cAn be so much fun too hahaha. 

Bam and here's goes to the bintan trip post, so much fun, water sport and all.. There's one water sport call big marble ride which scared the fuck out of me, maybe I'm just too scared to drop into the sea again after since the pucket trip with my sis, which we sat the banana boat ride and it flip when we fell into the water I fell like I'm almost dead,😖 but phew sis there for me like always too, 
So yep I'm so damn afraid the big marble ride will flip too *but eventually it didn't *
I'm screaming my lungs out almost just almost tears dripping down, well my hubby enjoyed it can already hahha.
And there one part that I don't even know what I'm doing which I've jump out from a swimming pool and of course slipped and fell onto the ground lol and well bleed.. Oppsi stupid I know..

And we had a awesome full body massage and it was the first time both of us went naked for a full body massage , well not the bottom part naked ok already,😄. And we had to put out our first firework tgt weeee 😁😁 

And not forgetting this, laogong birthday, glad he enjoyed the trip.

Anyway does me and my brother look the same, hahah a lot of his *fans*  same we are like twins lol


So June we have our family trip thank to sis, sadly bf can't join in camp .. 

And so we shipping off to batam hahah we sound like some goods, ok traveling to bAtam, I've never been to the place before too, ok noob I know..

Get to try parasailing again awesome awesome awesome 

But wait a sec jetski is the most most awesome shit ever, hell 100% yes to that 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 

Cool right lol oppsi 

Oh ya was saying about tattoo previously right, here goes

I guess now should be fully healed 
4th July never forgetting this date too 😁

And slowly July lor thanks colleague and hubby for helping me celebrate in USS oh well have some memories there, but as they say memories will stay forever I guess hais, but oh well past is the past, ok back to what I was saying, USS trip with them is awesome and not forgetting hubby got me wallet and unicorn as Present, not just any wallet it's a freaking prada wallet like OMG that moment I was like angry and happy , reason angry, like why spent so much on me for this , happy like omg omg omg speechless till tears start to flow out hahah dumb I know, but I appreciate the gift so much, but at the same time still ROAR when he spent so much, when government only pay that little zzz. But I guess it's better then last time already. So shhh shut..

And of course thanks so much for my family for the celebration and the ice cream cake 😍😍😍 

Hubby know I'm a pancake fans so pancake time for sure

Well I guess that all already, will be back for more ranting or etc..

Tata xoxo ..