Wednesday, December 08, 2010


I'm back for some Clubbing pic.. :D Excited to see them.. LOL (Ok, nothing much to be excited about la right, LOL) (* excuse me as i'm kinda hyper now, as i've FUCKING LOST my voice BUT i'm dancing along to all the music 987FM is playing now.. :D Btw I'd also dedicated a song to myself too *sorry for being so self-fish* dedicate any of the Taylor Swift song to MYSELF to pity myself for losing my lovely *sexy* voice.. LOL, so BU yao lian sia, Bahahax.. So Shan and Ross chosen BACK TO DECEMBER for me, and HELL YEAH, currently i'm deeply in love with that song na, BUT the problem is i CAN'T sing along with it.. but NVM, i can still dance along with it.. btw when the song BACK TO DECEMBER is playing, my bro and sis is singing along with it too, than sis don't really know the lyrics so when she's trying to sing along with it, it's damn LOL de na..Than my Bro is like LOL-ING like MAD also nor, while i'm in my own world dancing like MAD too.. *) Alright, back to *clubbing topic* and YEAH 3rd Dec is FINALLY the first time ever i go clubbing with my beloved GF, as usually went clubbing with blah blah and blah blah, but this time round is like FINALLY FINALLY we FINALLY got that chance to go clubbing tgt.. :D And it's their virgin clubbing night too.. :D so yep.. actually we are planning to go PH = powerhouse one, but my dear Emily didn't bring her IC along with her, so PLAN to PH cancel, so we decided to go yeefei they all at lunar.. And that also my first time going to lunar, as i don't REALLY LIKE CHINESE CLUB.. but nvm.... And know what, when we arrive there, than i saw that the table where they are, are directly BESIDE the SPEAKER can.. DIRECTLY BESIDE THE SPEAKER na.. WTF can.. the person who build and decorate the pub like no brain de is it, put a table beside the SPEAKER and accept people to stnad right beside the speaker is it.. WTF can.. Alright, just saying NOH8 alright.. :D
Alright, enough of complaining, so here's some SPAM of the picture.. :D

I do love the lighting effect alot..:D

Alright, i'm like totally hyper at that moment na, and only Kang look at the camera nia,
yt and Emliy = IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE.. Bahahax..

Than WhenEver that club started to play or people SINGING CHINESE SONG LIVE, we are like.. WTF, ARGHHH.. Don't really like nor LOVE to heard Chinese song in a club.. like so -_-''' , WTF can.. seriously..
LOVE my GF lots.. :D
two more missing but i'm SURE that ALL of US *GF* will go club TGT one day.. ALL *GF* TGT. :D
Anyway basically that day, clubbing at lunar was a blast na, not because of the music or ETC, just that basically all our us are just self-hyper that all, and honestly i dun like the song they are singing or playing na, just A FEW English party song that all.. but we did enjoy our-self that day alot.. :D Love clubbing with them alot.. :D
But that for sure that, i'll NEVER EVER go back to lunar to club AGAIN.. NEVER.. Butter Factory are still the best in my brain.. As for Powerhouse, hmm, don't really havea very good impression for it, but well, who knows maybe if i went to PH next time, i'll be loving it, WHO KNOWS right..
BUT I'm DEFINITELY a person who LOVE to CLUB, as ALWAYS.. :D PARTY ANIMALS yeah.. :D
Anyway did camwhore awhile and i do LOVE my Collar Bone can.. :D

So Yep, guess there's will be more clubbing pic next time.. :D Party there's no tml, and how i wish that i can PARTY ALL NIGHT and SLEEP WHOLE DAY na.. Seriously..

"Feeling so Fly, like a G6" - Like A G6 = Far East Movement