Thursday, May 13, 2010


OMG, know what, i got a job, from dunno who and the dunno what place na.. it's like WHAT, suddenly pop out de nor.. WIRED + CONFUSE.. plus GLEE is UP, yeah, watching it now,  (waiting it to load finish, while blogging, it stopped suddenly and got to wait again, ARGHhh WTF..) than later 9.45am got to report to boon lay shopping center, and seriously i dunno where the hell is that place na.. got to search like SIAO later.. but the job is like only for two days nia na.. So i think it's not such a big deal huh, + that also not a JOB that i can work for like the other day's na.. TWO days of work, better than NO work and ROT at home na.. and NOW it's like fucking late already na, + can't (DON'T ) sleep yet, cus my GLEE haven load finish and before heading to bed, I MUST watch finish GLEE series 18 na, (the latest one) and now than i know that Glee season one has 22 Episode all together.. And season two will be out in like next year 2011 na, it's like OMG damn LONG ok.. than now episode 18 is about "Laryngitis",, and i LOVE the scene when kurt is making out with Brittany and he ASKED "What do boys’ lips taste like? And her answer, Dip, burgers, or my armpit... it's like SO LOL na ( like the part when kurt ask Brittany the Question, NOT the thing that they are making out, don't think TOO dirty,  + actually i'm like kinda dirty, BUT NOT ALWAYS TOO, LOL)
anyway the next episode 19 will be out in MAY 18, follow by 25 than 1 June and 8 JUNE na .. 8th June will be the finial episode 22 na.. it's like KINDA long huh.. ARGHhhh.. OK gonna watch GLEE liao, and awhile more heading to bed to catch some sleep and than GOES to work.. GONNA blog the working thinngy too.. stay tune.. :)