Saturday, October 09, 2010

Tired + BUSY

time Checked now is 5.30am.. HMmmm still EARLY huh.. LOL.. ok, anyway just a SHORT post today, as i need to head to bed SOON, cus meeting my girls later, for some SMALL shopping * as cant really SHOP, cus didn't get my pay yet, so not that RICH now, that why* ARGHHH, kinda pissed also, as what we heard that we will be getting out cheque on Mon or Wed, but NOW it's already fri liao, and we didn't see any SINGLE SHIT of Cheque nor, ARGHHHH, HOPE AND PRAY hard that latest by next week we can get out cheque.. as NOW Seriously i do NEED MONEY na, one point is to FASTER repair my fucking DAMAGE BUSH hair, and MORE too.. :) just one sentence, WE NEED OUR PAY CHEQUE SOON.. Money money money we NEED you urgently.. :) OOo ya today or i shall say YTD fri, SARANG is CROWDED with HUMAN and nor insects, OMG can, damn BUSY nor, but good point is time PASS DAMN FAST when there is ALOT of Customer, but seriously is like out of a SUDDEN ALOT of customer at A TIME, than is like COME AS A BUNCH than left as a BUNCH too.. Hmmm hard to explain na.. JUST kinda Crowded and we are FREAKING busy, that all.. but i do enjoy it, kinda fun to have and Serve alot of customer.. :)  TIME PASSES MUCH MORE FASTER that way, but bad thing is SUPER TIRED and Bone gonna break too..
Anyway got to share this PIC, it's Paste on our Indoor Wall.. it's ALL our Chef, they look so different and DAMN cute one na, can.. hahahx, ..LOVE IT
This on out Wall na.. :)
dun you find that our chef is so CUTE.. :)
anyway do Visit our SHOP and have LUNCH or DINNER or just drink.. we are please to serve you yeah.. :)

Hmmmm, shall head to my Dream land now, got to wake up at around 11.30 or 12 to Prepare , meeting my Girls na.. :) HOPEFULLY i manage to wake up.. :) ok, nights people..

"When I see your face , There's not a thing that I would change , Cause you're amazing , Just the way you are" Just The Way You Are = Bruno Mars