Sunday, May 09, 2010

FAST than what i expect

DEAR DAIRY ( copied from GLEE -sue)
it's SUNDAY again.. time PASS fast, damn.. and NOW jobless + Schooless too.. ARGHhhh damn ASS na.. seriously i need to find a job real soon na.. and now days i've been sleeping for the whole fucking day.. if not i didn't sleep la right.. OMG that my life NOW.. SO NOT meaningful.. SAD.. and so NOT interesting too.. ARGHhh..
and JUST watched finish GLEE Ep17 (latest) .. OMG can't wait for the NEXT episode man.. damn, so fucking NICE na.. (actually not that really na) but i JUST LOVE all the song in GLEE.. especially all those MASH UP.. LOTS of LOVES..
and today Sunday 9th May, GUESS what, it's MOTHER'S day.. WOOO, actually we have nothing special planned.. PLUS i have NO MORE MONEY To buy anything for my beloved mum.. so know what i told my mum ytd (sat, when we are watching ghost whisper tgt with dad, Didi & mum) i told mummy that, i hae NO money to buy her any gift, so later at night i'll just make some pancake or maybe other food for her to eat.. hehex   :)  And later going down to market with mum and sis.. xD so GOT to sleep early , perhaps NOW i should go to bed already. as it's kinda late NOW.. 3.43am - LATE / Early ??   actually for me kinda early na, cus now days i went to bed at around 4am to 5am+++ na.. So now, hmm watched some show again before heading to my alien spaceShip for some sleep na.. ( DAMN USE TO calling mySelf an ALIEN already na, thanks to YENN) LMAO.. anyway i had given all my GF a nick na, but haven think of any NICK to call yenn nor.. it's real hard to think of a nick to called her na.. hope i think of a real nice nick for her SOON.. LOL..
leaving to WATCH Wizards Of Waverly Place before sleeping.. BYE to all reader, and lastly HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY.. MUMMY, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.. HUGS + KISSES for u, MUMMY.. and to all mum out there, HAPPY MOTHER's day too.. LOVES to ALL too.. xD

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