Tuesday, April 12, 2011

CHIONG AH !!!!!!!!!!!

Well well well.. i'm here again.. Well today is the second day of work, hmmm everything is still going smoothly.. Btw i was fucking late on the first day or work na, later for exactly two hours, so end up i took cab down and start work at 11 am, but need to reach by 9am de.. today late again, but late 5 min na, better than first day right.. lol..
Office Job is like SO NOT ME can.. WEIRD !!!!! But a job is better than nothing la right.. Thanks sis for the job intro.. And it's like from 9am to 6 pm na..
9AM ne, COME ON, 9AM !!!! So know what every now days de weekdays i need to get my ass off to bed at around latest 1am, if not i'll DIE / SUFFER.. but today abit special na, i sleep at 12am .. hahah.. sleeping earlier and earlier nor, So not me right.. no choice marh, need to be awake at 7am every morning than cant afford to be late AGAIN !!!!!!
previously when i'm not working, i slept at 6 am or 7am plus de na, now latest 1 am need to get my ass off to bed already.. Need to chiong for WORK WORK WORK marh.. NEED MONEY man, more and more depts na, sianx !!!!!!
Second day of work today still not bad nor, doing the same stuff still.. hope after i finish those filing and etc, than they give me another job will be easy also, HOPE i can handle that's it..
Alright, shall pei my tumblr awhile than off to bed liao.. work already, than got lesser time to pei my tumblr le na, than each day lose followers le nor.. SAD !!!!!!

Check it out , my beloved tumblr blog ----- http://modeldreams.tumblr.com/

Hmmmm, not much to complain le na.. go pei tubmlr and tweet liao.. will be back soon.. (HOPEFULLY).. haha
(Btw i love ending my last sentence with XOXO ne.. haha, don;t know why..)
Alright Bye, XOXO J.L

"I'm on the right track baby i was born this way" - Born This Way = Lady Gaga