Saturday, April 03, 2010

ghost whisperer is BACK

YEAH, ghost whisperer is FINALLY back, it's season 5.. it's like i've been waiting for "year's" to watch it o CHANNEL 5 , singapore are really SLOW in EVERYTHING and anything.. UGhhhh.. but wadever na, as long as i can watch it on my TV will do.. watch in youtube or in NET is not that clear and much more na,, TV screen BETTER, gonna head back to the show already, it STARTED..  XD

"Melinda undergoes immediate C-Section and then gives birth to a baby boy. Then five years later, Melinda and Jim's son, Aiden who also has the gift of seeing spirits, but with one important difference which will have far-reaching consequences. A woman who died during childbirth is determined to be reunited with her son."


SO i'm HERE again, the reason i've MOVED, because NO REASON.. -_-'''.. = )
actually just nothing much, now just using my RIGHT and so called NEW email in this blogger only, PLUS actually i wanted to moved to, however i figure out QUITE long in wordpress, but still dont not have a single ideal how to USE THAT, so now just remain living in my BLOGGER land XD
will be back for posting soon XD

PS: i MISS my GIRLS <3