Tuesday, May 11, 2010


 Just found this in seventeen website.some dating thinggy about the guy the you have a crush in or the guys you are with.. (just something that linked to a guy or R/S) xD so her i'm to expose those answer to all my reader's.. :)

1. "I like it when you wear your hair        [the normal way you always are.. (natural).] "
2. "My biggest fear is        [ALOT, losing someone, insects, BIRDS, flying object]"
3. "The place I want to travel to most is      [America]
4. "I think it's adorable when you      [Smile]
5. "My favorite food to cook is           [perhaps anyfood that i know how to cooked]
6. "You know I can't be angry with you anymore when you     [ignore me / flirt around]
7. "When I am alone, I       [Use COM . gone crazy]
8. "My guilty pleasure is       [Nothing much]
9. "I sing          [the son that i love currently , NOT MYSELF TONIGHT]           when I'm in the shower!"
10. "If I could go back in time I'd      [do lots of romantic thing and LOVE/CARE about you MORE]
11. "If I could have a superpower it would be      [rewind back to the past]
12. "My parents don't know that       [I MISS YOU] + alot of things too.. LOL
13. "My most embarrassing moment was     [don't really have one, / can't RMB]
14. "My dream job is      [Modeling / actress / Fashion desginer / Singer]
15. "My worst habit is       [ being TOO lazy]

SO that ALL.. xD

Read more: http://www.seventeen.com/dating/special/dating-survey-0707#ixzz0nYi7BnIW

If want to know more abt me, y not ask me a Question through http://www.formspring.me/blingster.. WELCOME all readers and fellow peep and dude, bitches too.. LOL xD

And i found another quiz too, from seventeen SITE..
 What does Cheating MEAN to you

i just LOVE SEVENTEEN site and magazine too.. xD

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