Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Wooo, finally i've finish watching Wizards of Waverly Place AND Jonas LA, actually not really finish, now just waiting for their NEXT episode to come out only.. oK, i know now it's like freaking late already, yep, it's like 6.44am in that MORNING.. and i had not sleep yet, so maybe after blogging, will go and have some small nap, and later maybe going out too.. but wait for mummy answer na.. i VERY Guai one, listen to my beloved mum..

OOOoo ya today, Right AFTER national Days, it's the Lunar 7th month.. OMG OMG OMG.. yep, actually just now at around midnight, or i can say morning around 2am plus, actually i was quite scared one, as you know.. that one, yep.. but thanks to youtube, so i'm able to watch those show and company me the whole "morning".. YEAP, i'm not wrong morning.. seriously i was scared and worried na, but i also dunno what i'm worried about too, that how wired i'm.. LOL.. And before going on youTube, as usual i've been restarting my freaking COM OVER and OVER AGAIN.. cus before that it can't load the youtube show/video na.. damn pissed off nor.. but after KEEP RESTARTING, it FINALLY WORKS.. lOL.. hahax, ARGHHH i want a new computer na.. sianx..

MONEY money money, can you pleases drop down from the sky, hahax, ok i know i'm insane.. maybe TOO tired already ba..

ONe more thing, just now i had also search for MORE video to watch, so now my SHOW "waiting LIST" is like INCREASING already.. MOre SHOWS are waiting for me to watch them, hahax.. :)

anyway just now had also watched a video of YOUNG Christina Aguilera, OMG she is just so adorable and lovely / CUTE too.. how i wish i can give her a big tight HUG now.. hahx... GOSH, dreaming again..

yep here's the video, WATCH more at YouTube yeah.. :) LOVE Christina Aguilera..

she was like 11 and she knew how to make cookie and ETC, ride house le na, OMG can.. she's just so amazing..

OK now, nights world..