Tuesday, May 25, 2010


YEAH, once again jobless for weeks.. today work till 1pm than stop working already, than WENT HOME.. ang got my 1and half day de pay.. *HAPPY* finally got some cash liao.. :)  actually i was suppose to work till this sunday than nv work de, than today that person told me than, since i dun wan to continue to work already, than i can left liao nor, luckily is she told me to left that early, if not i work till sunday, i think i will go MAD na.. + luckily dun need to pay them 7 day de pay, as i did notice them than i will be leaving marh, cux if not if i just anyhow left, i'll need to pay them 7 day de money na.. so today LAST DAY, damn happy na, but sad is than ONCE AGAIN, JOBLESS.. but heard that another job i'll be working at far east (korean restaurant) mak cousin de na.. than start work on 7thJUNE nor, so that mean that i will be rotting again for like around 1 week plus nor.. got job in june, better than DUN have any single job na.. rot for one week better than ROT for month right..
but was wondering, if there is any job which only need to work for one week only na, because i'm quite sick and tired of rotting liao na, PLUS also need MORE money too, return my debt, buy new stuff and much more na.. PLUS SAVE MONEY FOR MY UPCOMING chalet IN JULY.. will be updating that chalet around end of the JUNE na.. so stay tune.. CAN"T wait to turn 18, for some serious partying , and some other stuff.. hehehx.. *wink, wink*.. can someOne read my mind, and know what i'm thinking abt.. LOL
ARGHHH, so bored now, and know what while typing this post, for no reason, my boobs hurt na.. DAMN.. feel like my boobs gonna explode already, ARGHHH.. eyes also pain + tired too.. and just painted my nails, BLACK + RED.. hehex.. so this one week rotting, i'm goona be that wild gurl again, if i got that chance to go out and have some of those fun again.. MUWAHAHAHAx..
goona catch some show and eat some cereal before heading to bed..
UPDATE soon.. LOVE YA.. 

being a bitch is the BEST..
"i'm kissing all the boys and the girls, someOne called the doctor, cus i lost my mind"