Saturday, August 28, 2010

Obsessed over KATY PERRY #purrrrr

 KNOW What KATY PERRY album had release at US but no here yet... ARGHHHH.. now days i'm SO obsessed over KATY PERRY can.. OMG, just love her more and more each day.. Over here or can say at 30th August her album will FINALLY be release world wide.. which also mean over here in singapore too.. OMG, just can't wait till 30th August can.. admire all those US people, they can already purchase katy album but we still need to wait..  but it's OK, just two more days left.. WOOOOO

*just tweeted : TWO MORE days till 30th August #TeenageDream CAN'T WAIT..*

 OMG, just LOVE KATY PERRY SO MUCH #Purrrrrrrr..
anyway nowdays, had watch alot of her MV and those behind the scene and ETC, shall share some here..

Katy Perry - Visit to Japan (Interview)

*how cute can she be*

she also said 
"it's like wearing a big condom" as they ask her about her dress..
and seriously her dress is so tight fitting can.. she's SEXY yeah.. :P

Katy Perry - California Gurls (Sukkiri!! 2010.08.18) 

Know what, seriously i think the camera is like so WTH can.. pervert camera man can..
we all know katy have such a wonderful body but that camera man is like KEEP focus and ZOOM-ing at her boobs / butt and MORE na.. wth nor.. Japanese camera man is just so WTH..

another video of katy is

The Making of Katy Perry's 'Teenage Dream' Album Packaging  

I want her album "Teenage Deam"
SomeOne buy for me can can can  ? :)


Exclusive: The Making of Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream" Video 

MAKING of "Teenage Dream" Video 


I wanna be Katy Perry FRIENDS too..

Katy Perry September Cover Cam 


I wanna America's Seventeen Magazine too..
their sepetember cover is KATY PERRY  *but our's is NOT*
I WANT... 

LOVE KATY PERRY LOTS..  in her tumblr also know as Kitty Purry..
see how cute can she still be..

ok, seriously just want to shoe and blog that how much i love her YEAH.. and enough flooding of her video and ETC.. HEARTS KATY LOTS..

Do check out her website too..

She's just that California gurls that i LOVE
California gurls
We're unforgettable

Daisy Dukes
Bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin
So hot
We'll melt your Popsicle

Oooooh oh oooooh 

And she make me feel like i'm living a teenagre dream.. :) XOXO

You make me
Feel like I'm living a
Teenage dream

The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's run away and
Don't ever look back,
Don't ever look back.

"If it's not like the movies, Thats how it should be, yeah." - Not Like The Movies = Katy Perry


Had not blog for several DAYS, so here i'm BACK.. anyway had been slacking for more that one week, and now seriously i'm looking for a so call stable job na.. but KNOW WHAT, My Hp now can't SMS  and can't CALL PEOPLE already.. how nice right.. WTF, FML can.. perviously is my com internet can't use, than now, my handphone can't USE too.. CAN'T SMS or reply text and can't call people, than what's the use of my phone now.. WTF na.. is god fooling me.. anyway, had lend mak lappy for like almost a week already, as my own com haven recover yet, maybe this coming monday, my parents will call that dunno what thinngy and ask or ETC, as we already paid for the house phone bill, so should be can use own com internet already, but now still can't na, so hopefully when monday reach, and my parents called and ask, hope the internet will work by than.. and at that time when my com recover, shall return mak lap top, if not i guess he will go crazy SOON too.. LOL..
than now about my phone, cant CALL AND SMS.. ARGHHH.. mum told me that is my dunno what line been cut off by them, as my parents didn't pay my phone bill too, than is like didn't pay for several month already, so they cut off.. than i was like WTF, than now no phone to use.. HAIS.. .. only can receive call from others only.. SO NOW PEOPLE, if i didn't reply your text/sms PLEASE don't blame me ok.. and now i also unable to call people, but can receive and answer call from others only.. so anything just call me, text me also can, but just that i'm unable to reply only..  if one of my parents is around me, i'll try to use their phone to reply those text yeah.. :) SO hope you guys understand....
HAIS, now no own phone to reply text and no own com to go online.. WTH can.. EVERYTHING just sucks nowdays can.. HAIS.. but hope the internet connection, can be use by monday na.. than i can return mak lappy already.. HAIS..My life is just so WTH, and meaningless can.. BUT hope everything will be FINE soon.. JUST HOPE..
anyway had been looking for job, but how nice my phone can't call out na, than now how am i able to call and find job sia.. FML can.. ARGHHHH... but anyway people, if you guys got any job lobang / JOB INTRO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me ok.. best is that the job is at west area one na.. that will be great and better..  arghhh now just any job intro, just tell me can already.. FnB will be great too, cus in that case can save money , as they will provide food yeah... :)   PLEASE, any job intro, PLEASE tell and update me, here *in that chat box* or tell me through FACE BOOK, TWITTER or MSN ok.. :) Hope i will have great news SOON..

"Hit up prince charming, tell him give me a call " - Vanity = Christina Aguilera