Tuesday, May 08, 2012

it's just seem like first love

Well well well it's tue morning 5.33am here i'm not asleep yet (as usual, after i'm jobless) well it's been like 2 month plus tgt with my beloved bf and this short two month so much stuff had happen although i just meet him during weekends once after he booked out from camp, that dumbo hubby of mine sign on to army which is like still got YEARS left for him to really leave camp life :( but well life is like that, can spent that two weekend with him feel so awesome already, although it just two days but bo bian right.. I'm just so damn worried and etc that he might tired himself out and sometime during weekend when he's out i want to spent time with him but the other part of my brain was like "Am am not giving him space or freedom and much much more".. Well, i'm a person who will think much more alot then others and etc. But just hope that if anything he dislike or etc he will just say it out and not hide it.. Just saying that some guys like to hide things in order not to hurt their gf feeling or etc, well i don't even know marh, so just YEP nor.. What can we do !!!.. 
Hmmmm been with him for two months plus feel like years, i feel like we were like those LAO FU LAO QI like that, i don't even know why i have this such feeling can. This kind of feeling is just so damn different from the last time and the past and so on.. i just so damn damn much different can.. and that kind of differences is just awesome that't it.. Although we'll have some misunderstanding and quarrel sometime but overall we are perfectly heavenly loved :) hehehhe i felt bless.. It just feel so real and it's like first love all over again.. Well things always don;t go the way you want but just love have to give and take and trust, honestly, faithfulness is impt in r/s..  Well i'm just like a question baby *Wen Ti Bao Bao* i still have lots and lots of question to ask and know more about him, but just some of the time i just don't even know how to ask and so on and on.. i know guys or who ever don't like to question or question about their past especially, but just well that's me, i just want to know every single stuff, well i know it's fucking annoying but just HAIS..
Well forget about that for now..
WEEEE He teach me how to Fish, YEAH FISHING, i used to hate and damn scared of those fishing stuff , but now fishing is like damn interesting can, but i just scared of the fish when they flip here flip there, struggling those movement, damn scary can.. First time fishing was with him and well we went for prawning too, and it's the first time i prawn too, well overall NO ME GUSTA, prawning is like so dead can, i'm not a really patient person so well, yep.. i don't even know why most of my friend say prawning is AWESOME FUN can, for me it's like SERIOUSLY Dead bored to hell, well when i caught the first prawn, i was like DAMN SCARED can, but well first caught prawn that kind of feeling hmmm not bad not bad, but after that first catch i DISLIKE it already.. Fishing and prawning, i rather choose fishing can, but well TANNING and sport activities is much more preferred thought, HEHE :) Hubby is obsessed with fishing anyway..
Well some other time i shall bring him to to ice skate too, since both of us didn't ice skate before, weeee it's gonna be FUNNNNNN.. WOOOHOOOBOOOM :) 

Well some picture time then :)

This is the first t-shirt i brought for him, i know it's kinda small abit, but well he really look like a kid when he wore it, it look damn small can, who ask my beebee to be so strong.. Hehe

The first card i ever drew for him.. hehe :)

And this first thing i fold for him,
the HEARTS :) <3
red and yellow had 99 of it
inside the glass which had 26 red 2 yellow and so and so for, which is like 26 this colour and 2 that colour which mean our date to remember.. hehe:)
well GUYS marh.. :) <3

And well i had my first xiao long bao with him too, KK I know it's like WHAT FIRST XIAO LONG BAO SERIOUSLY, BUT well yep, it's my real first time having it.. so not judgement kk.. lol

WELL Overall everything seem and feel so awesome with-thin this two month plus, i know it's short but ME GUSTA, i'm loving every moment of it..

I love you bee <3

 I LOVE YOU is not enough, I'm lost of words..

PS: People feel free to comment and tell me what you guys usually do as a couple and where do you guys go for date and etc, so please and willing to hear that..XOXO Love JL