Friday, October 08, 2010

it's her own FLOOD

had treat my tumblr like my blog already, will UPDATE it DAILY, (**OK, seriously my tumblr is Flooding my Twitter so which also mean my twitter is Flooding my FaceBook too.. Woooo FLOOD all the way than since i cant sleep now, due to my wet nails, *painted my Nails Black and left hand MIDDLE finger RED*
hmmm shall continue flooding than.. LOVE you TUMBLR..
and HOPEFULLY my nails will dry SOON, as got to sleep VERY SOON, as i’m kinda tired after some Drinks at Holland Village.. AND tml got WORK too.. DAMN FISH..  but work start at 4pm, but meeting YT at 3pm, than got to get ready and Prepare at 2pm already, which also mean i got to wake up at 11 or 12pm, to BATH and DRY my Bush Hair..
ARGHHHH hate my current hair ALOT, i Swear that when i got my PAY, i CONFIRM will take out some amount like the most 100 Bucks to REPAIR my BUSH HAIR.. TREATMENT is a MUST, than MAYBE dye, highlight, cut.. SEE how first than..
*Tweeted : DEAR PAY, please come QUICKLY can, i need you PAY.. MONEY MONEY MONEY, who don’t love you, Tell me ? ANS = NO ONE..*
Wooo, i’m treating my tumblr like my blog already.. Shall copy and paste this to my personal blog than.**)
that's the post i've post it on Tumblr.. hahax   
Anyway just got home at around 3Am plus went for some Drinks and FOOD at Holland Village one of the so called pub, and had some CHAT with Mak too, a seriously LONG chat.. *view those PICx of FOOD and DRINKS on my Twitter of Plixi.. LAZY TO upload here na..
i'm know SERIOUSLY nowDays i'm getting more and more LAZIER nor.. OMG, than keep eating and drinking than SLEEP so much also, DAMN, like that getting MORE Fattening already na, SAD, *it's TRUE that i do HAVE FATS on my stomach nor* ARGHHHH, wanna get rid of those FATS, so maybe if next week not working or what, shall go for some Swimming *than can tan too* or maybe some jogging too, *If  i'm NOT THAT LAZY and can able to WAKE UP EARLY*  SERIOSULY need Some training NOW, if not i'll get more and more FAT already.. DAMN HELL NO please, *so "FATS" please Get away and left me OK, thanks..*
Shall head to bed now, got work tml.. as i think i had mention before above.. guess now my nails should be HALF way dry already.. but think it's NOT FULLY DRY na, ARGHHHH can't stand it anyMore na, SERIOUSLY need some sleep already.. got to wake up at 11 or latest 12pm later.. HOPEFULLY and PRAY hard that i can able to wake up at those timming, if not i'll be late for work, or NOT enough time to prepare.. OK, Nights Readers..

"Just gonna stand there , And watch me burn , But that's alright , Because I like , The way it hurts" Love The Way You Lie = Eminem Ft. Rihanna