Wednesday, August 18, 2010


NOW i've no INTERNET Life.. but to have that life back,  i've got to pay $160 for that phone bill, hmmm actually i'm not the one paying, but my family, BUT the PROBLEM is, now they also have no money to pay for it too.. so mummy told me that she'll ask dad to go borrow money from OTHERS AGAIN.. to pay the bill just for me, but problem again is, they also can't confirm that will they able to borrow money not, hais, NO BODY can help us now.. now in this FUCKING world, no MONEY NO LIFE, and everything just suck's RIGHT, can't deny that RIGHT ? HAIS.. than now, no money to pay that fucking bill, than i can't use Internet for this whole week, hopefully dad got to borrow some money and return this fucking bill na, anyway out Internet is free for three years one,so there's still one more years FREE Internet left, but seriously i also dunno why, we need to pay the house phone bill, in order to OPEN my internet connection line na, WTF right, anyway mummy also got ask that gov ppl that can we pay some first like pay 50 buck first than others pays some other time when they got their pay.. than the person say can't.. WTH, all they want is just money right, pay some first, should say can marh, but FUCK them, they say NO.. hate gov people can.. hate the EVERYTHING in this COUNTRY can.. FML too.. OOO ya, anyway now using sis lappy.. thanks to her YEAH.. anyway ytd is the FIRST day without Internet life, seriously just one day, I've been crying like siao le na, than today the second day, once i woke up, I've starting crying again, till NOW, i guess EVERY other day till the Internet connection is back, i;ll be CRYING EVERY SINGLE DAY ba, guess my eyes will be like damn swollen now and perhaps OTHERS day till Internet connection is back, hmmm till daddy got money to pay the fucking gov ba.. hais, seriously  life without Internet SUCK like HELL can, than is like NOW, what's the point of living too.. the only thing i do at home is SLEEPING, than woke up, switch ON computer than use till morning, than sleep again than COM than  CONTINUE that cycle na.. that's ALL.. than now without Internet, LIFE just SUCKS ALOT can.. HAIS.. hate it to max can, ok seriously by blogging this now, my tears start to roll down to my cheek again la right, hais, suck a WEAK girl i'm.. SO SAD can, my tap cant stop again na. hais.. anyone have extra cast to lend us, to pay that bill, $160 bucks.. hais, i guess NO ONE, everyone heard LENDING MONEY, all will like RUN till dunno where na.. i knew that one... HAIS.. FML na, ARGHHHH, feel like HELL can.. hais.. SERIOUSLY just FML na, if not lending money, any one got any easy way to earn fast cash.. i just need $160 bucks NOW.. to pay that fucking gov.. parents will get their pay at 1st sep na, so if any onw got extra cash lend us first, than 1st sep, you;ll get MONEY back already.. but SERIOUSLY i guess nope.. everything just SUCK na.. FML..
got to go do something stupid now, perhaps cut myself to distress *anyway no Internet i've cried than now stress, btw i also dunno what i stress about* yeah, bleeding hand HURT than hopefully i'll not think my com Internet ba.. HAIS.. FML.. and how i hope that i can die easily, without any pain.. someOne just end this fucking life of mine can.. HAIS.. no Internet, i might just go DIE la right.. hais.. :( 
blood here i come to TASTE you.. :) FML... bye readers, hmm perhaps NONE....    than bye beloved blogger.. i'll MISS you..