Thursday, April 08, 2010


i'm FUCKING back for blogging again, LMAO..
Ytd went swimming with "freak" and ONCE again, i'm LATE, supposed  to meet at 11am, but end up i woke up at 11 going to12pm, so freak appear in my house ONCE AGAIN..
And can say that ytd i had learn how to swim already, PLUS had also drink LOT of POOL water..UGHHhhh. feel so EEEEk now.. LOL, but we like swim for 3 or 4 hours + ba, no wonder now i feel so PAIN all over and i'm RED again, but better than that time when i go sentosa..         xD YEAH TANNED AGAIN..
swim till 4++ than ate KFC, erm can called in as lunch + dinner tgt na..THAN go LALALALa, kbox again, WOOO, i think i'm really addicted to kbox le na, plus it's CHEAP Too wad, 8bucks.. worth it na, and freak pay all again, but NVM i said i will return him one, once i got a job, confirm will return him, + i had already noted all the money i owe him de liao.. so if next time i got my "FIRST PAY" not for long the PAY will soon be goon again..ughhh, i need to SAVE UP...But ytd LALALA is like 2hour+++ nia nor.. we around 7.05pm go there than sing until 9.30pm SHARP only na, NOT GOOD not good..
so after that went to pub at dhoby ghaut area, called dunno what gold one na.. had drink with "freak", berry, jiayi and her friend.. and ONE MORE THING, jiaiyi friend scared me out of the hell na, her friend is like freaking DRUNK one nor.. but phew luckily jiayi is not drunk.. than her friends is like keep saying herself not drunk, (perhaps drunk people will never say them-self  DRUNK one) so her friend keep saying that she peep already, so she not drunk and keep asking jiayi to make 中国茶 or GREEN TEA for her na, tat moment i was like LOL, LMAO de na. but NEVER.. than is like when we are still inside the pub, me and JiaYi carry her to the "sofa" to let her sleep / rest first marh, but we are like NO strength na, den her friend like one minute accidentally "lay" on raymond na, den i was like WTF, he like 赚到 nor, than is like he kind of touch her waist ba, UGHhh, i dunno na, that time we quickly carry her up again and just PUSH her to the sofa and let her rest first na..
UGhhh girls go pub CANNOT DRINK TOO MUCH, if not later DRUNK, YOU wont know those FUCKER or wad ever will do to you nor.. hmmm it;s seem like i was like ANGRY huh, LOL, dunno na, just like guys always 赚到 when they are in pub or club de na.. WTF.. but luckily i'm not so easily drunk de ba, beer for me = NO DRUNK,,, wine for me = IMMEDIATELY DRUNK.. hahas, so no wine for me than..
how i wish i was 18 NOW, but UGHh still need to wait till july than officially 18 years old.. once i'm 18, i definitely would go CLUBBING and pub one, LOL, MUST HAVE that feeling of " YEAH i'm 18 than can PARTY till mad already" LOL.. but when clubbing or in pub, JUST BEER and NO wine for me will do.. LOL.. UGHHh i wan my BIRTHDAY to REACH FAST....

PLUS NOW, i'm SCHOOLESS.. =(, everyone are starting they sch on next Monday, 12april.. BUT i still need to wait till 30april than i get to know my result, if this time it's still unsuccessful, than i GUESS i got to KEEP on working till dead le ba.. HAIS..   hope all the BEST for me =(