Saturday, April 02, 2011


Well hello dear blog, i'm back for a visit again, it's like months i didn't came back for some blogging / complain and etc already right.. any reader miss me, lol, guess not.. Well this few months, i'm still the same as usual, sleep at the morning and awake at night, (But today DIFFERENT right, awake at 9am or might be earlier, cus is slept at around 1 am ytd marh, HAHA) Than no school for me to study already, CCK and Bishan ITE seem like they don't want me nor, hais.. FML, well than now i got to find a job, maybe work as full timer already ba, since i'm not studying already, So if any Reader have any job recommend, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me, i desperately need a job and need of $$$$$ ba-bling !!!! Tell me by writing onto that "chatbox" alright.. Thanks in advance so much.. ( hope got reader first, LOL)
Btw the reason i've not been blogging so long, because EVERYTIME i'll complain and SPAM tweet, yep that right, twitter !!!!!, Now twitter seem so much like my BOYFRIEND nor, every night before i turn in to bed, i'll tweet *Nights XOXO* than when i'm awake i'll Tweet *Morning* and ETC, every single shit i'm doing i'll tweet and SPAMMMMM, Yeah i'm a spammer, complain and complain non stop, than when ever i'm feeling down i'll tweet also, if not, i'll go onto tumblr and reblog and spam every shit i found and i love, so all this month, thanks to Twitter and Tumblr be by my side, because seriously this few months, i had LOTS of fucking shit happening, to them, ruin my life.. after that case, i'm being look as a bitch or dress like a slut and ETC !!!! , no one will know what happen and no one will even bother to care or etc, most of them will just say i too free, than think to much, the problem is they don't even know a single shit can.. UGRHHH, speaking of that i'm so PISSED CAN !!!!
Lots of things is happening na, i really need a listening ear and someone who can help me out, but NON of the soul out there are even ------, than no one will know and understand how i feel nor.. HAIS !!!! what a life i have na, FML seriously.. I know i'm keep avoiding all those shit thing, so the way i avoid is keep going party and party and party, ladies night, club club club, BUT every time just wont get drunk, why is it so hard for me to get drunk !!!, WHY... drunk liao than can forget everything at that moment marh, but nvm, cant get drunk, so i just keep dancing nor...
yep, now my life is just partying, spam tweet in twitter and keep reblog in tumblr than sleep , awake than continue partying.. what a life right.. hais.. avoid is the only thing i know i can do, i need someone to help me out, but i guess it's hopeless anyway, hais.. Who the fuck care also la right.. UGrhhh, shall stop this topic liao, if not keep thinking and typing i scared i might tears out... HAIS !!!!.. ok, than hmmm, i'll try my best to best at least once a week or more ofter alright.. blogger i do miss you...XOXO

"Hit me with the words you got and knock me down, Baby, I don't care" - Loser Like Me = Glee Cast