Tuesday, June 15, 2010

CAMERA rolling..

 *continue* anyway we watched karate kid at 14june 1am plus na, the movie is like 2 hour plus marh, so it ended at around 4am +++ than did not went home na, but waited for the first train .. :)
anyway before the movie, we went to coffee club and have my FAVOURITE heineken..
than after that walk to Cineleisure at went to xin wang and had some coffee, since it's still kinda early before the movie na..
than was fooling and playing with mak lappy and CAMWhore quite alot too.. hehex..
was pointing middle finger at there ( you yi dian bu ya na) LOL

Than after movie was like about 4am++  na, than brought some coffee to drink.. ENERGY na..

than hang around at 313 waiting for the first train back home na..

wad a tired day na.. than WED going back to gusttimo for work already.. OMG, worried again na..

"I will never say never! (I will fight) , I will fight till forever! (make it right)" - Never Say Never = Justin Bieber ft. Jaden Smith..

The Karate Kid is AWESOME..

YTD watched Karate kid, and it was freaking Awesome.. lOVE Jaden Smith na.. he's damn cute, and in that movie, i love the way he speak in Chinese too..Funny and lovely na.. BUT it do hurt when saw him been beaten Up by those CHINA kids na.. HATE that.. JUST CATCH THAT MOVIE " The Karate Kid" and you will know how awesome the movie is.. :) LOVES..
beware alot of PIC coming UP
he's Damn cute.. LOVES

The beginning when he wanted to learn kung fu..

trying to FIGHT back man.. CUTE..

F*** china kid beating him Up..

Heart pain na.. =(

so after that Jackie Chan as Mr. Han teach Jaden Smith as Dre Parker Kung Fu as they are invole into some competition . WATCHED Karate Kid and you will KNOW.. :)
aND i love this when *Mr han* keep telling Dre parker to take off his jacket, put it on again, throw it on the floor, than pick it up than hang it up, than dre parker keep repeating all this MOVE everyday na.. BUT those move is also link in kung Fu one, so OMG nor..
and love the way when Dre parker made that funny face when mr han told him to hang his jacket up with THAT attitude..

Jaden Smith is DAMN strong too..

And he seem to love that girl lot na... CUTE.. they kisses too..

 AND he won the competition.. LOVELY..
but one of the scene is that one of the china kid was told to break his leg when fighting na, heart pain when he's Hurt na.. BUT at last he did WON.. :)

If you interested reading the PLOT, than READ ON..
Sherry Parker (Taraji P. Henson), a single mother from Detroit, Michigan, is a car manufacturer employee. Due to the rough economy, she accepts a transfer to Beijing to start a new life with her 12-year old son, Dre (Jaden Smith). Upon his first day in Beijing, he goes to play basketball with a new friend and neighbor, Harry (Luke Carberry), when he notices a beautiful girl, Mei Ying (Wen Wen Han). Dre goes to talk to Mei and tries to impress her with his dance moves, which annoys a bully named Cheng (Zhenwei Wang).
Cheng doesn't like how Dre is distracting Mei from her violin practice, so he storms over and slapped away her music sheets. When Dre tries to intervene, he and Cheng get in a fight. Dre is not only much smaller than Cheng, he knows virtually nothing about fighting, while Cheng immediately proves to be excellent at kung-fu. Consequently, Cheng beats Dre to the ground and gives him a black eye. Mei rushes between them, but Dre is so humiliated that he tells everybody to leave him alone. Later at home, he avoids his mother and even uses makeup the next day in an ill-fated attempt to hide it.
The following day at school - Dre's first day - he finds Mei at school. Mei apologizes for Cheng's actions (as his and her family are close, and Cheng must feel sort of responsible for her). Suddenly Cheng smashes into him, intentionally knocking down Dre's food tray, ruining his school uniform. After school, Dre starts trying to learn karate through instructional videos when Mr. Han (Jackie Chan), the janitor, arrives to repair the bathroom door knob. Han notices Dre's desire to learn martial arts, but also notices he has attitude issues with his mother about menial things such as properly hanging up his jacket.
Sometime later, while walking with his mother around the city, Dre discovers a martial arts academy and is thunderstruck by the sight of hundreds of disciples practicing kung fu. Dre gets extremely excited while watching them train until he realizes that one of the students is Cheng. Furious, he storms off the academy grounds; Sherry is clueless about his situation. Dre initially refuses to explain, but subsequently has an emotional outburst. He exclaims that his issue is suddenly being forced to move to China, and that he hates it.
After school the following day, Dre tails Cheng and his gang and in an act of hatred, hurls a bucket of dirty water at them. They get soaked, spot Dre running away, and immediately give chase. Initially evading the six martial artists successfully, they corner him near his apartment complex, in the dumpster area near the janitor's room, and hold him for Cheng to beat up.
Even after brutally kicking and punching Dre multiple times, Cheng is not yet satisfied, as part of his teacher's doctrine is "no mercy". Just as Cheng is about to land a finishing blow to the helpless Dre, the maintanence man Han makes a timely interception and repels his lunge. Han then tells Cheng and his cohorts to return home. Enraged of having been deprived of a satisfying gang beating, Cheng holds back until Han's back is turned, then attacks. All six of Cheng's gang were disciples at the nearby kung fu studio; however, Han's kung fu skills manifests, and defeats them with little effort despite his poor stamina, not throwing a single strike.
After Han treats Dre's injuries, they go to Cheng's kung fu teacher, Master Li (Yu Rongguang). Han apologizes to Cheng for any injuries sustained, and asks to stop his students from harassing Dre. Han argues that six against one was anything but fair, so Li challenges Dre to a fight with Cheng. When Han declines, Li threatens him, saying that they will not be allowed to leave his school unless either Dre or Han himself fights. Han acquiesces, but insists the fight take place at an upcoming tournament and that Li's students leave Dre alone until the tournament begins; Li agrees.
Han begins training Dre, but Dre is frustrated that instead of teaching him insane techniques and flying kicks, Han has him spending hours in Han's special "training". This "training" happens to be standing in front of a peg, taking off his jacket, hanging it up, taking it down, throwing it to the floor, picking it up, putting it back on, in a monotonous cycle. After days of this, Dre's patience has reached his limit and he refuses to continue,failing to see the point of the "training". Han explains to him that the movements involved in swinging his jacket about his shoulders, taking the jacket off again, etc. are actually(without the jacket) blocking techniques, which Dre is now able to use against Han's mock attacks. As Han's lessons continue, he teaches Dre that the movements he is learning apply to life in general, that serenity and maturity, not punches and power, are the true keys to mastering the martial arts. In subsequent trainings, Han takes Dre to journey to the mountains in which martial experts practiced, and let Dre consume the Dragon Water, which purportedly was water that held the essence of kung fu.
Dre's friendship with Mei also continues. Mei agrees to attend Dre's tournament, while Dre promises to attend her upcoming violin recital. Later on, Dre persuades Mei to cut school for a day, but when she is nearly late for her violin recital, Mei tells Dre that her parents have deemed him a bad influence, and have forbidden her from spending any more time with him.
The next day, Dre finds a drunk and despondent Han smashing the car he has been repairing. Han confides that it's the anniversary of his wife and son's deaths, which occurred many years ago, when Han lost control of that very same car during an argument with his wife while driving up a steep hillside on a rainy night. Dre reminds Han that one of his lessons was in perseverance, and that he must get over the accident and move on in life.
At the long-awaited tournament, Dre is slow to achieve parity with his opponents due to his complete ignorance of the rules, as well as not being used to fighting an aggressive opponent, but soon begins finds his feet and effortlessly advances to the semifinals. Everyone in the stadium slowly notices that all of Li's students, especially Cheng, finish their opponents brutally and often must be pried off the ring. In the semifinals, Dre comes up against one of Li's students; Li has told the student in question that "he doesn't want him beaten, but broken" (injured). During the match, Li's student delivers a devastating kick to Dre's knee that sends him sprawling. Though Dre is already down, Li's student seizes Dre's leg and smashes the knee multiple times with his elbow, until he is seized by the referee. Li's student looked deeply regretful, is disqualified for his illegal strikes. Dre's left thigh was badly swollen. As Cheng has won his semifinal match, if Dre is declared as incapacitated, Cheng wins the tournament by default.
Despite Han's insistence that he has earned respect for his performance in the tournament, and that Dre needs to learn when to walk away from a fight, Dre pleads for Han to help him, insisting that he wants to see the tournament to the end; Han sighs consent. The last match begins, to the deafening cheers for Dre. Dre slowly starts to gain the edge. Cheng, during a time-out, is then instructed by Li to break Dre's leg. Cheng obeys, delivering a crushing kick to Dre's previously injured leg. Though clearly in pain, Dre struggles to his feet after a long pause and adopts a one leg stance, reminiscent of a martial artist he observed in the mountains. As Cheng charges him, Dre executes a backflip kick to Cheng's head and is declared the winner of the tournament. As the announcer is about to give Dre the trophy, Cheng takes it and personally hands the trophy to him, utterly awed by Dre's perseverance. Li's students then ditch their malevolent mentor and acknowledges Han as their new teacher, which Han duly obliges. The movie fades showing Han and Dre with his trophy.

MORE info about KARATE KID.. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1155076/