Monday, May 24, 2010

wish me LUCKS

today will be sleeping early, but right after i finish my show na.. WIZARDS.. selena is go funny and cute in that show.. LOVES..starting job later. hmmm like around 6 more hour PLUS to 6.30am (START work) hope everything went smooth.. wish my luck man.. ALL THE BEST Jael.. JIAYOU.. jiali = jiayou..
anyway was wondering that when will the pay be coming out na.. cus our yt is planning some Genting trip during JUNE.. hope the pay come out ASAP, than i got extra cash to go HAPPY liao.. lol.. and it's MAY ending now, it 24thMay  and soon JUNE will be COMING, than JULY, YEAH, birthday birthday COME to ME SOON.. than i'll be 18 than can party like siao, ( like in those not tou tou muo muo de partying) OFFICIALLY 18 is exciting huh.. :)  so gonna watch show, than heading to bed RIGHT after my show.. SO night to all readers..
LUCKS and WISHES for me also.. :)

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