Monday, July 26, 2010

It's the LIKE

WOOO i just found out a new thing, i got the Facebook LIKE button on Every of my POSTS.. interesting yeah.. hahax.. so if you guys like the post that i posted, feel Free to LIKE it yeah.. hahax.. so cool na, LOL.. plus alos having a hard time to find that thing and put in blogger template one ne.. hahax, LOL.. anyway just now at 3.40am ++ *haven sleep yet* i was still eating potato chips na, so DAMN unhealthy can.. lol, but HUNGRY na.. no choice, although it didn't help much in making me full, but i just feel like eating something, PLUS it's just near my my area only.. so YEAH..

Anyway just on tumblr had also posted some not really that glam thing na, but it's also not really that unglam too.. LOL, just some so called "dirty" stuff or words.. but for those who are not dirty minded, it's just FINE.. but for those muwahahahx, should have some others thought yeah.. LOL..
do check it out yeah    
and here are some of those posts yeah..

do u know what fuck means? F-forever in love with u, U-unhappy when u r away, C-care 4 u, K-kiss u. That’s why i wanna fuck u

Are you a Nice girl or Good girl?: NICE girls blush when they watch porn, GOOD girls smile cause they know they can do better.

according to recent studies,blowjobs r the healthiest it cums wiv a sausage,2 nuts + a protein shot..Stay healthy girls… suck a dick!

Tell me, is it going in? yeah, is it hurting?..ooh yeah, ouch its hurtin ..ok i Will put it in slowly, still hurtin, oh ya ..тнє ℓєтѕ тяу αησтнєя ѕιzє ѕнσє

‘Cause you look so much better with ”Something In Your Mouth”

SO those are the posts in tumblr yeah.. hahax.. any different thought, for me, HMMMMmmmm.. LOL
ok, gonna watch show already, although it like 4.57am in that EARLY MORNING, but never watch show before sleeping, i just can;t sleep na, LOL.. i also dunno why.. so yeah, watching JONAS the Episode show yeah.. JOE, kelvin and Nick is so funny na, love them, especially NICK yeah, he's just so cute can.. lol..
after show than NIGHTS world.. sweet dream readers too.. LOL.. :)

"Live to party, Bust your move"  - Live To Party = Jonas Brothers