Friday, December 21, 2012


This post is just about and misses to the one i love, i guess he still know who he is or etc, but well, the time when we both are separated , he got pretty much attention from all his friends and the most impt this is, more girls friends too, and YES , i i'm FUCKING jealous about the fact that he have more girls friends and stuff, but who can i blame, on this mother earth there's only guy and girl, can't expect him to be talking to all guys and no girls right.. but i still can't change the fact that i fucking miss him alot and fucking jealous about the fact that those girls have to see him and spent time tgt with him.. Those girls had even the chance of him asking for dates with them, i don't care it's a movie date, dinner date or what so ever, i just hate that fact of it :( And i pretty much hurts alot more then i could ever imagine .. i used to keep blaming those girls about how fucking whore they are as they snatch him away from me, but thinking back, why the hell i blame those girls for as it's not their fault.. As it's him who ask those girls out for dates and etc, so the one to blame is the guy itself and not those girls.. Right?
As they say if a guy truly love you, no matter how many girls seduce him or etc, the guy will still stay true to you and not do stuff which dirty them and stuff.. *example like, going out to pay money for social escort for sexual related stuff and so on* 
If a guy truly love you, they will be by your side no matter what happen or who objected it..
If a guy truly love you, he will not leave you.. or make excuse or lie to you..
That's something i've learn after the separate and so on..this time round, i've learn to stay strong, and be smart..
Trust no words just trust action..
Xoxo J