Sunday, June 13, 2010


Yeah, it's like finally i can REST for more than one day already.. YEAH.. cus i just Quit that job.. anyWay, cus i was be told / inform / Asked if i wanna go back the old working place Gusttimo to work na, and guess what the answer.. YEA, i agree.. LOL, but when just now i told the Su-korea boss, mak cousin na, than he was like kinda pissed off nor, ask me why so LAST Min de, than i was like "ERM  "hehe" than he's like OK, NVM.. than he turn back and do his thing liao, SO damn worried and scared when i told him tat today was my last day na.. but now everything is alright liao na, hehex.. than one of the person asked where the i wanna work on the weekend not na, i was like "ERM, hehex, i'll tell you all again na hor".. than now can say that i'm JOBLESS again.. cus i dunno when i will start work at gusttimo or maybe even also dun have that job na, LOL.. but at least from now till the day i start work, probably on wed or thurs ba.. HOPE so..

anyway JUST after work, actually cannot say JUST na, off work at 8,10++, than now at gusttimo waiting for mak, and using his lappy to blog.. hehex..cus later will be catching "KARATE KID" the movie.. YEAH..
and just ate Finish my pizza and and drink finish my beer, JUST love that taste of the BEER.. my LOVE = BEER.. ( but scared to have beer belly na) LOL.. HMMM just drank finish one small bottle, shall i get another ONE now?? i need more BEER na, for no reason, i just feel like drinking ALOT now.. lOL..  and NOW the song gusttimo is playing, let me feel like dancing NOW.. ARGHHHH.. die le na..
 OK, blog later.. LOVEs..

FAST, Different..

one week is soon gonna be OVER again.. time really passes fast.. anyway ytd SAT, work form 12pm to 9pm, and SAT is like so WTF crowded de na, time passes real FAST too.. but i'm not really use to that na.. feel like sleeping all day long only.. ARGHHH.. and yts is like one of the collage birthday na, AND had i mention that all of the staff over there is NOT FUCKING Singaporean..  chef got china and the other i dunno na, than Staff got form philippines, Myanmar and dunno from where na.. three from Myanmar one from philippines, than today got a guy, i think he's from here LOCAL de ba.. and know what they speak de english is like so HUH de na.. i can't really understand nor, just a little only..
ARGHHh I NEED a NEW JOB na.. *I guess when Ever i got to blog, i will mention that i SERIOUSLY need a NEW job na*

OOOO ya, now 4.12am, wonder how the soccer result.. too bad we nv sign up for the plan to watch soccer one na, plus channel 5 also not everyday show.. and just now and perhaps NOW, my twitter is Flooded woth #worldcup thinngy na.. USA Vs ENG na.. than twitter got this all those little logo and those little flag from different country marh   #worldcup UPDATE #Usa #Eng   , i duno why i found it cute and i just  love it na.. WEIRD right.. all those flags that i found ( #Usa #Mex #Bra #Arg #Chi #Par #Uru #Fra #Ita #Esp #Ger #Eng #Gre #Hon #Jpn #Kor #Por #Aus ) too bad sin suck na, NO SIN.. LOL

OK, got to sleep now.. got to wake up at latest 10am.. work late.. ARGHHHH..
will be back for blogging again.. MISS me YEAH. LOL..

"Tsamina mina eh eh , Waka Waka eh eh" - Waka Waka = Shakira ("Waka Waka" as the FIFA World Cup 2010 Official Anthem.)