Tuesday, May 11, 2010


 Just found this in seventeen website.some dating thinggy about the guy the you have a crush in or the guys you are with.. (just something that linked to a guy or R/S) xD so her i'm to expose those answer to all my reader's.. :)

1. "I like it when you wear your hair        [the normal way you always are.. (natural).] "
2. "My biggest fear is        [ALOT, losing someone, insects, BIRDS, flying object]"
3. "The place I want to travel to most is      [America]
4. "I think it's adorable when you      [Smile]
5. "My favorite food to cook is           [perhaps anyfood that i know how to cooked]
6. "You know I can't be angry with you anymore when you     [ignore me / flirt around]
7. "When I am alone, I       [Use COM . gone crazy]
8. "My guilty pleasure is       [Nothing much]
9. "I sing          [the son that i love currently , NOT MYSELF TONIGHT]           when I'm in the shower!"
10. "If I could go back in time I'd      [do lots of romantic thing and LOVE/CARE about you MORE]
11. "If I could have a superpower it would be      [rewind back to the past]
12. "My parents don't know that       [I MISS YOU] + alot of things too.. LOL
13. "My most embarrassing moment was     [don't really have one, / can't RMB]
14. "My dream job is      [Modeling / actress / Fashion desginer / Singer]
15. "My worst habit is       [ being TOO lazy]

SO that ALL.. xD

Read more: http://www.seventeen.com/dating/special/dating-survey-0707#ixzz0nYi7BnIW

If want to know more abt me, y not ask me a Question through http://www.formspring.me/blingster.. WELCOME all readers and fellow peep and dude, bitches too.. LOL xD

And i found another quiz too, from seventeen SITE..
 What does Cheating MEAN to you

i just LOVE SEVENTEEN site and magazine too.. xD

LATE coming

mother;s day 2010 is the FUN day of my life in 2010.. actually just love this year mother's day na.. and woke up damn early too.. just to company mummy to market and have breakfast tgt with sis and bro.. and brought quite alot of thing back to cooked too.. and on that day, sis is the chef :) (she helped out na..) although we don't have that much money to bring mummy out for some fantastic and super nice dinner, but we helped out in cooking and ETC na, can said that, that day was a interesting and fun day too.. :) and while they are cooking, the kitchen is like HELL like tat na.. DAMN freaking HOT inside the kitchen na.. actually i also didn't help that much ( or i can say didn't help out)  was just a there fooling around, take some of their picx, and mum + sis is like sweating like MAD na.. 
 than bro and i went into the kitchen aWhile, than come out to the living room and SAID " AWWW here much better, cooling and it's like heaven like that" LOL..

actually the meal we cooked, is not really that apealing, but it's Damn NICE can.. LOVED.. and the thing's i cooked or made is just that simple mashed potato with egg and mayo in it.. NICE and Yummy too..

and know what, after the meal, i use com, than Mummy suddenly took out a seaShell and gave it to me, i was like o,O HUH????? mummy sometime can be really Random na..
than when i let mummy use com, bro suddenly come out and gave mummy a card, and i read it, was like  so CUTE na.. i did LOL hard.. than i also copied bro and made a MOTHER'S CARD for mummy too.. and drew out our whole family, and tell Uu what, i drew my daddy , until like he is like some kind of perv na, got the kind of perv look in my drawing... WE LOL hard too.. but i think mummy do look the card that me and beo make for her ba.. HOPE SO..  sis got some kind of SUPER sweet cake for mum na, than me and Bro had no money so just made card for mummy na.. she know that we had the HEART can already na.. xD
Anyway, every other day can be mother's day too.. and every other day i would also like ramdom draw mummy some random LOVE card or make some simple food for her to eat..
LOTS of LOVE to my beloved MUMMY, 
MUMMY i love you ALWAYS.. XOXO