Monday, June 28, 2010


YEAH, later i'll be heading to sentosa, and i hope this time round sentosa trip will be successful, as last time actually i said that i was going to sentosa too, but end up i have a terrible headache so sentosa trip for that day is cancel. so NOW i better head to bed and and have some sleep, it's freaking 4.50AM nOW.. so after this blogging, it's BED TIME, got to wake up at 9.15am na, got to pack bag and perpare EVERYTHING and get ready for SUNTAN, YEAH.. and hope later the SUN will be STRONG enough for me to be tanned man, LOL.. but just now around 10pm plus mummy said that it will rain na, but HOPE that not TRUE, I NEED YOU SUN, so just be out there for me.. i really need some tann na.. :) lOVE TANNED skin tone.. :)
Anyway i just post LOTS and LOTS of thing and pics out on tumblr.. so feel FREE to check it out..

and i reblog one pic and it that guy form lady gaga video alejandro, and i find that, the guy look kinda hot /cute huh.. LOL.. do check this post out..

OK, so now it's BED time, hmmm now till 9am, still got 4 more hour left, so 4 hours of sleep is NOT that really enough for me na, but it's ok, later sun tanning i can rest too.. YEAH.. love the SUN.. BED TIME.. xoxo..

"Sun-kissed skin So hot Will melt your popsicle , Oooooh Oh Oooooh" - California Gurls = Katy Perry

MoM said i could *condoms Commercial*

 WATCH that, the kids is kinda cute ( MoM said i could *condoms Commercial* )