Monday, September 13, 2010


NowDays, i'm SO SO SO SO SO OVER those SPARROW stuff can.. In my Tumblr, i've keep on posting those Sparrow Tattoo and Necklace and all those thing had that sparrow design on it.. i'm just so over sparrow stuff.. ALTHOUGH SERIOUSLY I HATE BIRDS, BUT i'm just IN LOVE WITH SPARROW STUFF..
Gonna work hard and Save money and SOON if i had the Extra income /cash, i'll SOON go make a sparrow tattoo.. provided if i really got that money than can na.. and i've already decided what kind of sparrow design i want.. here are some picx that i've posted in my tumblr..

i guess i'm just so OVER and ADDICTED to SPARROW STUFF, that all..

Anyway i do have a sparrow Necklace and earRings..

Sparrow Necklace

Sparrow Ear Rings..

And Some other days i'll have a Sparrow Tattoo on ME.. YEAH.. JUST WANT IT SO BADLY..

PART OF MY WISH (* A SPARROW TATTOO ON MY BACK UPPER RIGHT SHOULDER..*)  the place where i want that tattoo to be might CHANGE, but i want a SPARROW TATTOO will NEVER CHANGE.... i HOPE i'll get my sparrow tattoo SOON SOON SOON.. 

Anyway i've been using mak lappy for a week, as now my computer PC had spoil, previously is the internet connection than now it's the WHOLE PC.. so MUST WORD to have money and REPAIR my FUCKING OLD PC and MONEY FOR GETTING MY DREAM SPARROW TATTOO..

Ooo ya, and i've brought three "DIAMOND" ear rings for the other side of my ear too.. one of the side is just one sparrow ear rings and this side is THREE DIAMOND, see i'm "RICH" three diamond..

Hahax.. ok enough bragging of that already.. LOL shall head to bed NOW.. if not later i can't wake up and be on time to go to work as it's the FIRST DAY and it's also the first day of suffering without ENGLISH MUSIC... ARGHHHH, Bu yao xiang that much liao.. NIGHT reader, wish me luck and hope that i can bare with it... ARGHHH DAMN SHIT na.. ARGHHH...
Nights, and LASTLY I WANT A SPARROW TATTOO, another kind of Sparrow NECKLACE, SPARROW DRESS / SHIRT, SPARROW HEELS and LOTS MORE SPARROW stuff, but just not that real SPARROW can already, i do HATE BIRDS.... fine, night reader.. :)

"I don’t care what the people may say , What the people may say about me" - Pack Up = Eliza Doolittle


Finally today i'm not that LAZY anyMore, maybe later gonna wake up early and go for WORK... ARGHHH, got a sudden regret that, why at first , i want to PROMISE them to work on monday and some more work at some really far place and a place which i don't really like.. ARGHHHH.. All gonna play all sort of Korean "pop" music and korean food will be appearing in-front of me everyday from later on wards.. SORRY NO OFFENSE to those who are CRAZY KPOP FANS.. But SERIOUSLY i don't know why, since like a month AGO, i've started to HATE all sort of korean stuff or music.. SERIOUSLY NO OFFENSE to those Korean FANS.. but i just don't know why, and the pervious time, i had FOLLOW all sort of people in twitter, but fews weeks ago, i've started to UN-Follow quite a few people, and had UN-Follow most of those Korean celebrity.. In Facebook too.. seem like i don't really want to have any "links" connected to korean stuff na.. NO OFFENSE. Just My OWN opinion only.. Than later gonna work at a Korean restaurants, i think the HATE of MINE, will INCREASE ba.. or MAYBE decrease i also don't know.. but xiang dao, there will be NO ENGLISH SONG PLAYED during 8 or 10 hours, i think some days i will just go MAD while working over there, or MAYBE SOON i'll start to LOVE back all those korean stuff.. but i don't think so.. ARGHHHHH.. DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE le na this time.. And i know NOW DAYS there are like MORE and MORE people who are MORE and MORE obsessed over korean /KPOP stuff na.. but now days i just feel MORE and MORE DISLIKE to those stuff na..  * I guess those CRAZY Kpop fans who had saw this post, will come and KILL me .. HOPE NOT.. it's ALL just MY THOUGHT only, so NO OFFENSE people.. don't take it too hard too..
ARGHHH,  start work at 12pm, but don;t know off work at what time, and there will be a function later on at 6pm too.. this time round DIE already na.. DON'T KNOW anything than still got FUNCTION to WORK on, and MOST OF ALL NO ENGLISH SONG PLAYED, ALL KOREA.. so this time round SERIOSULY i think i'll DIE / Suffer ba.. BUT HOPE NOT.. ALL THE BEST TO ME YEAH>. JIA YOU>> GO GO GO, JL you can do it.. just bare with it  for no English songs for like 8 or 10 hours.. i CAN DO IT.. *anyway haven start that job yet, than NOW i've already start to COMPLAIN SO MUCH, LOL* BUT hope later on EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT.. HOPE SO.... BARE WITH IT FOR 8 or 10 HOURS, and i BELIEVE in myself i can BARE with it.......... * NO more 987fm to listen anymore* SAD to MAX.......

"And I, I got to be strong , Just keep pushing on" -The Climb = Miley Cyrus

Chrsitina Aguilera HAMPER

As previously, i've said that i'm going to collect Christian Aguilera hamper, and THIS is what i receive.. :)

her Old album to her latest album BIONIC..
A super BIG "hand BAG"   *Damn clothes, like a T-shirt, but it's a BAG
And Christina Aguilera BIONIC "Not Myself Tonight" POSTER...

But anyway i got these Poster, i also have not walls for me to put it up.. as i DIDN'T have my OWN BED ROOM.. ARGHHH.. i want my own room.... SOON i HOPE.. *should be YEARS later, after i got married or maybe single all the life and reach 35 yrs old than purchase my own flats and than can FINALLY PUT these poster up*.. Anyway i also got Katy Perry Poster too, her Teenage Dream Poster.. *got it from mediacrop too, as we did went to the show entertainment on 5 and SAW KATY PERRY REAL LIFE.. * OMG, that the BEST DAY EVER,and i'll NEVER EVER FORGET THAT DAY..* LOVE IT.. Than how i wish all those Celebrity i Love will like SOMEDAYS come to Singapore and i got that chance to see them in real life too.. i WANNA MEET CHRISTINA AGUILERA REAL LIFE some days.. *Part of my WISHES* and Meet Taylor Lautner, Nick Jonas, Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, leonardo dicaprio, cory monteith, Glee Cast, and MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE, too MANY to list out already.. * ( i know i seemed to be ABIT greedy) 
And BTW, Katy Perry New album TEENAGE DREAM CD had already been release, i WANNA get it REAL SOON.. "TEENAGE DREAM" Wait for ME.. i'll be there soon to purchase you.. :)

" I'm Not Myself Tonight. Tonight i'm not the same girl same girl " -Not Myself Tonight = Christina Aguilera