Thursday, June 03, 2010


YEAH, just finish watching GLEE.. it's so NICE :) anyway for no reason, i just love kurt more, when he is wearing the cheer leading shirt.. so DAMN cute na.. and this episode 21, there one sence when sue was in the tv, than kurt just walk by, than sue PULL him back and etc, than after sue speak finish, kurt say something (which i forgotten) than after he speak finish, he just WOOO * and left his leg up* than walk of.. that scene, he is so CUTE.. OMG.. and also one part where sue ask will to kiss her * watch the show than you will know what i mean* than when will moved closer to sue, sue said  "Even your breath stinks of mediocrity." =) and also before that ( Sue: "Something strange happened yesterday. I felt something below the neck. Dare I admit it? I have feelings for Will Schuester. Sexy, non-murdering feelings.")
anyway here;s some word that i like in this episode which they had said..

(Schuester asks if the glee clubbers have any regrets. Rachel: "Giving my heart to Jesse only to have it crushed just like the stage floor at a performance of Stomp." Quinn: "Thinking 'Trust me' was a sensible birth control option." )

and one of the scene which jesse called rachel and meet her at the carPark and is like WTF na, he and his friends throw egg at rachel na, BAD.. before he smash that egg on Rachel head, he say I LOVE YOU, than smash on her head, is like so wtf, and so EWwww na.. than after that Rachel told her Glee friends and said "And now I have nightmares about the mothers of the little baby chicks coming after me for revenge." this is like so LOL..  Than those guys got angry and was walking out of the class to find jesse, but was stop by will, than Kurt said: "Mr Schue, Rachel's one of us. We're the only ones who get to humiliate her, and Puck said: "We can't just let Vocal Adrenaline get away with turning Rachel into an omelette."
LOL at the Omelette part..

here some of the review of glee 21..

Schuester's equally bummed out because his divorce is final. He takes the opportunity to mess with Sue Sylvester's head by pretending to be in love with her. Come to think of it, Schuester goes on a minor rampage this week, between smashing a Cheerios trophy and whoring himself to Sue in order to hurt her feelings.
Joining Will Schuester in Doucheville is Rachel's ex boyfriend Jesse. Playing the part of the Vocal Adrenaline heartbreaker disconcertingly like a Smallville villain, Jesse invites Rachel outside only to join in with the rest of his friends in egging her. What a git.
Puck and Finn have some fabulous gung-ho moments where they slash the tyres of Vocal Adrenaline's cars and they're ready to give the group a pounding after the egg incident. And let's not forget that fantastic moment in Terri's store where they duet on Beck's Loser. Another partnership that works is Quinn and Mercedes and their cute, unexpected bond. I like how this thread has played out between the once-popular cheerleader and the always-unpopular Mercedes. Even if it is a big metaphor for "social outcasts together" sometimes.
OK I'm not gonna recap the whole episode today, suffice to say, it was an enjoyable episode of Glee. love it..

PUCK and Finn is so cool, cute and hot too.. LOVES..
and i LOVE the song sang by Puck and Finn - "Loser" and "Good Vibrations".. MORE other songs too.. =)


 just watched a video that desiree posted and tweet not long ago..  

Grandma was held hostage by grandson and was made to do this
DAMN hilarious one.. after watching i just can't stop LOL-ing na.. LAMO
that grandma is co funny and cute na, and seriously i dun think she know justin bieber BABY lyrics..
"like Baby baby OH OH NO" ROFL already..

anyway ytd slept at 7am++, so before that i fetch didi to sch, as it's raining na. ( raining, so i can't "RUN" again.., i WANT ABS)  than woke up not that late na, :)
DAMN dun feel like blogging person thinngy now na.. LOL, random............
anyway i just finished my drink na.. JUST LOVE it..

and after that had my eye mask ON, damn nice ne.. :) comfortable..

and had some pic taken na, UN GLAM and WIRED NA.. :)
who care's..

NOW gonna watch the latest EP of GLEE.. YEAH.. GLEE.. :)
Anyway i LOVE that previous Episode about GAGA one, and kurt is so LOVELY.. :)