Thursday, July 01, 2010

crazy over Eclipse, LOVE Taylor Lautner & Kristen Stewart..XOXO..

YEAH, it's 1st july, a brand new month, and today it also the new movie "ECLIPSE" shown in cinema.. OMG, YEAH, the twilight saga : eclipse... LOVE THAT, because Taylor lautner is inside and Kristen Stewart too, LOVE both of them, for Robert, hmmm not that much na.. LOL.. but honestly i feel like watching eclipse today na 1st of july.. but i know that this movie is out today than CONFIRM got Alot of people watching today one.. so i might as well watch the movie aBit later na, hehex.. but for SURE i'm watching the movie on that BIG SCREEN one.. hehes, watching Taylor Lautner on the big Screen HALF-NAKED.. muwahahax, hehex *WINK*.. LOL, ok, fine, i'm totally insane and CRAZY over him na.. anyway just found some of their picx online, MOVING PIC wor.. :)

CUTE, AMAZING and AWESOME right.. hehx.. love jacob and bella.. :) xoxo..
but Edward and Bella is to be tgt na.. 

and had seen some of the eclipse screen shoot and saw that Eclipse seem to have like aLot of Edward and Bella kissing and like making out in the bed na, hmmm i just that moment Robert should have an boner na.. LOL, because Kristen is so beautiful and HOT.. :)
LOVE Twlight saga : Eclipse..

and their those "making out" scene na

And i JUST love those scene when Jacob and Bella are along together.. XOXO..
Promo for "The Twilight Saga : Eclipse

LOVES.. Xoxo..

ok, done crazy-ing over them already, now it's time for bed and meeting my girls later, hope i will NOT be Late.. nights reader..

“A rubber band was an analogy / You could even say it’s a metaphor.” Elastic Love = Christina Aguilera

time for tanning

280610 went SENTOSA, YEAH, it's like finally i got that chance and time to go tanning already..and know what, DAMN pissed, as once i reach sentosa, they whole entire sky is like DARK and it do rain a little too.. AGHHH, than when i though that there will be no sun coming out any more, my whole mood is like ARGHHH WTF waste my trip there, but luckily a few minutes later, those black cloud had slowly moved away and there the SUN CAME out slowly too.. YEAH..
so my tanning journey started.. LOL.. had some pic taken and know what, on that day, SENTOSA had ALOT of caucasian / American.. so damn happy when i saw alot of them at sentosa tanning too na..

And know what, i saw this Caucasian / American, he look kinda sexy  and cute na, love his hair too, and i was sitting there looking around na, than he walk by and he did look ans smile at me na, so OMG na *luckily i didn't faint on the spot* LOL.. than when he walk pass, i manage to capture a pic of him na, but too bad back view only.. at least better than than don't have any pic of him na.. LOL.. *HAPPY*..

So after he walk pass and gone * as i didn't see him walking back again na, probably go back to his place ba* than after a few min, as the sun is not fully OUT *sun not strong enough for me to tanned yet* than is me this camwhore time, keep talking pic na, hehex..

anyway i find this pic quite cool, na, Look at the sea there, saw a little head popping put, and that's mak na, LOL

And mak say that he found that it's weird that i do read book, HEY, i do READ book ok, if there is a whole twilight books for me to read, it will be BETTER..

And it's TANNING time.. :)

anyway this pic is when i was pouring water on to my body na, *i know is waste of water, but it's DAMN cooling can.. :)

Anyway i quite like this picx na, and the floor is burning my feet too, DAMN Hot na the heat..

POSE it baby.. :)

OIK, i know i do look weird and stupid na, LOL

AND know what, saw this blonde, she look kinda sexy too, just know that she has a nice but.. :) hehex..

ok, and this seriously i have no idea what am i doing na, but i know what i pull my shirt that way, i was talking to my self as reading what the shirt had written " HMMM, i LOVE BOYS"..


UNDERSTAND, i'm a cam-whore "alien".. LOL.. :)
anyway i took this pic after showing at the public open shower na..
and because the toilet no ppl what, hahax, so SNAP SNAP..
and i do feel weird when showing in the open shower na, like touching and washing myself in the public OPEN SHOWER na, feel damn weird na, but luckily no one is at the toilet na, hahax, PHEW..

So after everything at sentosa, we walk around at vivo awhile and had dinner than walk around at vivo to wait for time to pass as we book Kbox for singing, actually we want to book 11pm sing to closing one, but too bad they 12am than have room for us, so we walk around vivo than took train to mak hse as he wanted to SHIT, -_-"', LOL, than after he put his thing at home, than we faster rush and took train to boon lay, and guess what, in the train, we saw two kinda HOT and Beautiful de american na, OMG, love that day man, and guess what, when i saw that american i was like some kind pf pervert na, as i keep looking at her and her leg, hahx, LOVE their long legs man, *anyway i do love to look at girls sexy long leg na, hahx* that do turn me on, LOL, but not exactly a total TURN ON na.. LMAO..  but when she left, i was like WAH LAO, sianx, dun have people to look at liao, but when our stop i reaching, we sttod up, than i look to another side,and saw ANOTHER american blonde again, OMG, LOVE it, hahx, than she look cute na.. but too bad she is wearing black stocking so can't actually see her "sexy" leg na, but love her long legs too.. DAMN.. :)
and she alight at the same stop as us na *boon lay* but too bad we walk the different side down na.. sianx..

And we was like late 10 min for Kbox na, ARGHHHH, not good.. and when i was looking for english SONG, i did shouted when i saw Christina Aguilera - Not Myself Tonight is finally in Kbox already, OMG ♥ LOVES it na.. YEAh..
tonight i'm not the SAME GIRL same girl, in the morning, when i wake up, i go back to the girl i use to be, but baby NOT TONIGHT..

And there is quite much song updated in KBox na, YEAH...
those new songs.. LOVES.. ♥
OMG - Usher
Not Myself Tonight - Christina Aguilera
When I Look At You -Miley Cyrus
Dirty Picture - Taio Cruz Ft. Ke$ha
Your Love Is My Drug - Ke$ha

Order ALCOHOL :tiger beer , LOVES..
and i found that , my nose do look red ne.. LOL

and this is those few last song i sang, but sadly, not enough time, so the last song i sang is PARAMORE - Brick By Boring Brick..YEAH
and Somebody To Love on the third one, is by GLEE Cast, so happy Kbox have their song too, but sadly only ONE..better than dun have na right, and actually i want to sing - NOT MYSELF TONIGHT for the last song one, but too bad, NO TIME.. :(

“The old me’s gone, I feel brand new / And if you don’t like it, fuck you.”“Not Myself Tonight” - Christina Aguilera