Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The gift that we GAVE

26/04 MON
A brand new week BEGIN AGAIN, and once again, i have no sch to attend and NO job to work for too.. so AGAIN i slept till 4.50pm+... i know it sound unbelievable, but that JUST ME.. the person, or i shall say the ALIEN who can sleep for MORE than don't know how many MORE hours..That normal for me BTW.. xD
so Once after i woke up, Sis told me that we are bringing Didi to KBOX, the place where didi had nv went before.. so that the first time he went to KBOX, have fun, sing and GET crazy too ( as when ever i enter kBOX and SING, i will gone MAD and crazy) So we reach there at about 7.09pm++ than when ordering drinks that part, actually Didi wanted to order ICE LEMON TEA (as usual, his FAVORITE) , but i order something else for me, as i told him to try something else and something different that he had nv tried before na, so i help him order, YELLOW MANGO (rainbow series), than once the drink came, he tried than OUT of the blue, he did not touch the drink AGAIN anymore and know what he just sat down and Stared CRYING, than i was like WTH did he cry, when sis ask him, at first he didn't want to say, than we asked is it too boring for you or what, than he FINALLY speak up and say i DUN LIKE THE DRINK.. than is like my fault AGAIN na.. UGhhhh.. but after awhile, like after he sang some songs, than he say the drinks (yellow mango, rainbow series) is nice.. than end up he finish the drinks, SO -_-''' nor.. KIDS are always like tat.. LOL..
AND know what, once we reach the room, Didi immediately say " is there any JUSTIN BIEBER songs" (with a excited and happy look on his face) than i click on the J-BIEBER page for him to see, than sadly don't have the song he want, as there only have "ONE TIME" and "ONE LESS LONELY GIRL" the songs he wanted was "BABY", but sadly kbox is like KINDA SLOW huh..
so we sang a few songs, and i also did sang my FAVORITE artist SELENA GOMEZ, and DEMI LOVATO songs, "NATURALLY" and "REMEMBER DECEMBER" .. LOVE both of them, they are BFF too xD, MORE LOVES..
some pic uploaded too, but for me, it all in my FB, album name, <3 LOVE family.. xD

Than after LAla-ing, went to JP to take bus home, but before that i wanted to buy Durain pancake, but sadly it CLOSED, UGHhh.. so no choice we just went back to HOME sweet HOME..    when we reach our stop, we alight, and we SAW daddy and mummy, actually they was planning to come down without telling us, and have supper by themself one, but TOO BAD. * evil laughter* so we had some hor fun nor, and i wanted to buy "harm" to eat one, but daddy say no good, what germ or what na, so didn't get the chance to have the "harm" seafood nor.. =(
PLUS now, i'm freaking + SUPER hungry na... lazy to cook Maggie mee nor pancake, so didn't ate anything, but have some gummy's, but seriously once i started eating gummy's, i can't STOP, GUMMY'S do KILL..
SHOW load HAO le, yea, so NOW it;s SHOW TIME xD   *watching Wizards Of Waverly Place* LOVE Selena Gomez and David Henrie.. he's kinda CUTE and HOT + handsome too xD *wink*
Selena Gomez and David Henrie