Monday, May 24, 2010


Today first day of work SUCK alot.. ARGHHhh.. RAWR.... those person over there is like so WTF na, like those fucking attitude de WHAT EVER shit they are na.. quite pissed to work over there nor, but it's much more better than the boon lay shopping center that one which sell those USELESS sweet one.. BUT this also SUCK too.. especially their people over there na.. PLUS my birthday haven over yet, so not OFFICALLY 18yrs old what, so i can't touch those cigarette which they are selling also, that is so call like some mama shop na, GOT newspaper, magazine, drinks,  sweet, tabits, phone card and MUCH MORE na.. what ever shit, they also have na..  than is like at the morning 6.30am++++ they are FUCKING crowded na, alot of WORKING peeps, and etc..... than morning is like kinda "busy" like siao na, than around 8am++ not that crowded already, but there are still customer na, CUSTOMER are ALWAYS coming in na.. than not that busy is like ROT at there, than those "OLD" workers chit chat and like COLD cold US na, us = me plus a woman which is also new na.. than know what, when there are alot of ppl, than is like very LUAN marh, than is like i got to take the money and change to the person na, ( as you all know, my MATH / calculation SUCK like hell na) than i change very slow what, than the "OLD" worker over there is like DAMN RUDE + seem like she is pissed na, than just took the money i'm counting and change to the customer na, than i was like WTF nor, ARGHHHH.. than when it's around 2pm++ a 21yrs old china worker, he is like the KIND one in the shop nia nor, he brought ice cream for us na, than like we are eating ice-cream while serving customer nor, is like so WTH right.. and MUCH MORE FUCKING thing happening there, which make me DAMN freaking + FUCKING + everything UNHAPPY and sad PLUS STRESS nor.. hais, the JOB SERIOUSLY SUCK alot.. UNFRIENDLY WORKERS (ALL OF THEM, expect that ONE of the china guy) than there is like kinda hot too, PLUS alot of uncle too.. ( but nvm, i didn't dress untill too WTf na, LOL, [that wat i usually dress ba, dress like wtf..] work ofcouse need to dress smart and what so ever na) BUT know what, i was told not to wear slipper na, than today i went there is like ALL of those FUCKING girs are wearing slipper nor, and the new one are also wearing slipper too na, so WTH right,  and all dress like not so working type de nor, t-shirt OK na, than is like not long pant but short SHORTS na.. UGHHHH, FINE tmr i'll be wearing short SHORTS too..
than today after work, i did called that person that i work till this coming Sunday than dun wan to work already (FUCKING STRESS and PISSES na) cus as he say that if dun wan work mus notice them 7 day in advanced na, than they tell me to try a few more days na, but is like seriously i dun think it suit me nor, (i think i'm better at being a waitress na) than i was like wondering that if tmr i work, is it like counted in that 7 day advanced or like normal working as she told me to try few more days what. CONFUSE nor, ASS them na.. than is like when i'm calling and talking to them i was like already dropping tears liao nor, for no reason na,  GUESS too stress or whatever na.. i was Like crying NOT kind of hard after ending the called na.. hais.. =(
than i think after that job, i guess i will hate JP / boon lay MRT those shop already.. PISSED OFF NA..
hope tmr will turned out to be better na.. HOPE SO, PRAY PRAY...  gonna head to bed soon, but after i finish one EP of my show first, and i'm DAMN hungry NOW  /AGAIN..  FOOD + show time again.. nitex reader :)

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