Saturday, June 19, 2010


18th JUNE, went to marina barrage to celebrate my beloved bear bear de BELATED birthday.. bear bear was born on 15june de na.. LOVE bear bear lots.. :) but before going marina barrage, went to ion for some present hunting with YT na, and she brought along her mum camera na, and it's SUPER COOL.. (that the kind of camera i love and wanted na) * but too big liao na*.. LOL..
BUT i just love the camera.. :)

After present hunting, went board the train to marina barrage to meet bear and beloved friends.. :)..


AND today there was a VERY sweet "couple" ne, SOON one na.. LOL.. :) best wishes for them.. LOVELY..

way up to RT *roof Top* YT called me to "pose" but i was like HUH, i dunno how na.. LOL

had some pics taken..
"bear" cake

HAPPY BELATED birthday to my BELOVED bear bear.. XOXO..

getting money back time.. anyway nice butt huh.. LOL..

PEACE *pose*..

yt and meat meat "counting" money, 2buck 2 buck, than suddenly kenn appear than *SNAP*..

PEACE.. :)

LOVES.. :)

after everything *anyway i forgotten what to blog about her birthday celebration liao na* STM..  than we left much more earlier than bear bear they all, than waited for the bus like about going to an hour na, the freaking waiting bus journey is freaking LONG na.. 
we went to clementi to have dinner / supper *DAMN FREAKING HUNGRY* mos burger.. :) than after  that went to have an hour de lan gaming, LFD2.. :)
and seriously i'm an ALIEN na, LOL..

continuously shot..


OK, got to sleep NOW already, damn freaking late liao, 3.38am.. WTF.. later still need to wake up at 12pm SHARP and prepare for work.. ARGHHHH, hate that.. but quitting SOON liao, YEAH.. need to have JOB HUNTING season AGAIN.... so now, NIGHTx world.. blog again SOON.. XOXO..
AND i'm DAMN freaking HUNGRY NOW, AGAIN.. ARGHHH.. NEED more FOOD at home na..

"Woah oh oh , There's a party at a rich dude's house" - Party At A Rich Dude’s House = KE$HA