Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Despicable Me is AWESOME

anyway i had watched Despicable Me already, it's was damn awesome.. and i love those despicable me "minions" their way of talking and their laughter.. DAMN cute na..
And each of them have their own name too..

Check out their video too,
links BELOW.. :) ENJOY and laugh tgt with them.. LOL :)

MY favourite

And not forgetting in Despicable Me the HOT topic of the girl "Agnes" : "Does this sound annoying" , AND "It's so fluffy, I'm gonna die"..


And this scene  is when Agnes want to heard some bed time story

 "this is garbage, you actually like this? " by Gru

 and this, "i shrink the moon, i grab the moon, i sit on the toilet " WHAT" than agnes LAUGH and said " you are FUNNY" she's so CUTE na.. LOVES

Despicable Me video..

And this
It's so fluffy I'm gonna die by agnes
all you have to do is knock down that spaceship - space shop owner
awwww oh someones got a frowny face - Space shop Qwner
ok my turn -Gru
knocked over - gru
it's so fluffy - Agnes

that's all, guess this post is flooded with alot of their picx and video.. but it's really awesome, cute and lovely na.. just LOVE it alot.. :)
and not just LOVE Agnes only, i love those CUTE little yellow Minion too.. :)

guess i'm done for Despicable Me POST of the day.. :) 
if you guys had not catch the movie yet, just catch it SOON, it's lovely awesome na.. :) CUTE minion and Agnes.. :)

"It's so fluffy, I'm gonna die" - Agnes