Friday, July 16, 2010

it's OVER / Perhaps it's just STARTED

AWWW 150710 is OVER, it's 160710 now..

but YEAH, today going to check in for chalet already, WOoohooo, so the celebration is not really OVER while it just STARTED.. yeah.. :)
Soooo on 150710, woke up at 7am++ to get ready and meet ah Fen to get hotdog, than head to yishun to mak hse to prepare and buy those food for chalet.. :)
than before going, he made breakfast for me, YEAH, *YUMMY*, love scramble eggs LOTS na..

than after breakfast, rest for Awhile so i just camwhore for Awhile too.. :)

love THIS picture.. :) love my DEAR RED cam cam

Happy birthday TO ME.. 

FINE, after cam-whore-ing than we head to sheng shiong and buy those dry stuff and ETC..HAD brought LOTS and LOTS of things na.. DAMN EX TOO na.. YEAH, so tmr or sat once my friends had reach the chalet, got to ask them to pay first man, if not i STM will forget than like that DIE liao na.. LOL..
PAY first before enter the ALIEN chalet room man.. :)
*also not that EX na, each person got to pay 5 bucks only*
*5 bucks than can have ALOT of DAMN nice and delicious FOOD already na*

hmmm than after buying head back home and cut and prepare those food, store them inside aluminum foil and ETC..stringray and Sotong ALL with sambal CHILLI, YEAH, so if the person dun eat chilli, than NO stringray and sotong for them already.. :) OPPPP, too bad.. and know what when mak cutting the beef is like after killing a human na, BLODDY and EWKKKKKK...

than know what, when i'm arranging those sotong and stingray into aluminum foil than msg than got to reply marh, than MAIN problem is, at that moment i can't FUKING sent a MSG out na, i thought is my phone bill to EX *never pay* * as i no much money left* than those singtel ppl cut away my line, but weird is that i can still call out to others but just can't SMS ppl only, DAMN PISSES and WTF at that time na, than cause me that whole hour NO MOOD.. but after awhile as i KEEP PRESSING RETRY SENT MSG again, than end up it's WORKS again.. than i was like PHEW na.. luckily, if not, can't SMS ppl i really will die man, some more i need to msg ppl the chalet thing on *today* one na.. so luckily it's works  NOW na, but seriously i really scared that few more days later it's can't WORKS again, than i guess at that time, i seriously will go MAD na.. 

Yep anyway after preparing those food and ETC head back home to celebrating my BIRTHDAY, YEAH.. :)
 the cake that mummy they all brought for my 18th BIRTHDAY one.. :)
one word *CUTE*.

than SING happy birthday SONGS.. after that i MAKE a WISH.. :)
*hope my WISH come TRUE*

Anyway i found this pic *daddy took one* damn funny na, LOL, for no reason,
see my face, i'm so damn happy YEAH.. :)

and HAD some few SHOOT with all my family member in the house too.. :)
LOVE Mummy

LOVE Daddy

Beloved Didi

LOVE Jie Jie

beloved grandma.. :)

and lastly not forgetting my uncle.. 

anyway also had quite a number of SHOOT of camwhore-ing with sis too.. :)
hehex, MORE at FACEBOOK YEAH.. :)

this is cool na, our two PEACE *V* become *W*..

Hair ALL around.. :)


Anyway our pic i just upload some interesting pic here nia, more normal pic in FB.. :)
OK, got to finish my show *ANTM* than head to bed early already, woke up damn early ytd.. so now SLEEP early yeah, hmmm not tat early also na, but is MUCH MORE EARLIER than others day already, usually other day i slept at 6am in the morning one, than woke up at 3pm or LATEST 6PM.. OMG right.. YEAH, so now MUCH MUCH MORE better already.. :)
OK, sleep early later than wake up fresh in the morning and get excited for my chalet already, YEAH, hopefully got the chance and the time to update my FB and BLOG in the chalet na.. hehex. :) can't wait, and later maybe heading to the club for the offically first time of 18th.. :) YEAH.. WOOO, i'm a GROWN up liao man, feel kinda OLD too, how sad.. hahx.. nights reader and stay tuned for update about my chalet soon, and i PROMISE , i got to CLICK CLICK and SNAP SNAP ALOT of picture man.. HEHEX.. STAY TUNED FOR THE ALIEN UPDATE YEAH。。  

"wanna be on TOP"- ANTM