Monday, April 26, 2010

celebrity AGAIN..

today or i shall say ytd 25/04, SUN, we celebrated DIDI birthday, as MON 26/4 ( mean today) is my brother JIAJUN birthday, WOoo clap clap for him, he is NOW officially 11 years old.. we celebrating while watching stars award, plus know what when it the part of  《红星大奖2010》 十大最受欢迎男艺人, when they announce 戴阳天 my didi was like YEAH and clapping in the middle when he is about to cut the cake na, than after that they announce the next following person marh, than just nice is 黄俊雄 ,  my didi FAVORITE again.. than sis told brother that,"you see even your two favorite stars come and celebrate your  birthday too" LOL ok, kinda lame le right..
we took some picx too xD
DIDI dam happy na, CUTE nor xD

some other pic, IN facebook ok xD.. and lastly i LOVE to EAT cake, muhahahx, and know what, i ate three slice of cake na, hehex, dun waste it what, so i FINISH all those left over de nor. hehex. UGhhh i feel like eating cake now.. my new food addiction = CAKE.. so now I'm the CAKE LOVER.. xD
and and and i forgot to post that on sat, when i reach home after nic birthday celebration, i had durain right after once i reach home, YEA.. i LOVE durian too..
the durian that i HAD.. i'm the DURIAN LOVER too xD
and on sun afternoon, i on sis lappy and let didi use marh, cus mummy using our com, than didi want to use com too, so he keep pls me to on for him na, so before he played his game, we taken some photo through webcam too.. xD
hehex, i LOVE this picx.. jus EYES.. but not smize-ing na.. LOL
i think i'm done blogging, LASTLY wishing brother DIDI HAPPY BIRTHDAY.. jie jie LOVE Uu ALWAYS.. kisses and hugged.. xD