Monday, May 31, 2010

FRIENDS are Loved by alien..

OMG YEAH, finally i can log into/ go into the website liao, the previous two days, actually i was going to blog about alot of thing one, BUT those two days i can't freaking log in or i can say i can't freaking go into the page of WWW.BLOGGER.COM.. WTH na, than damn pissed off nor, the feeling of can't blog is like SO NOT GOOD NA.. but NOW it's like FINALLY.. :) *happy*..
In fri 28 may, went shopping with my GF, but not ALL of them na, my Batman, bear bear and others are not free nor, so they nv join us, so only, may, partner, YT and tako + me nia na, went vivo to SHOP and we went to eat Marche.. OMG, i thinki i'm addicted to marche already na, i love their creps and the soup and others na..  and that day i brought a so called "leopard" print de jacket na, and know what, it's is freaking tight de na, (OMG, i grew FAT liao, DIE) after vivo shopping, we went lanning with nic, kenn, ting wei and XH.. than when we are on the train to meet them for lanning, we took SOME photo nia, NOT alot na.. (SO NOT LIKE ME) (usually i go out MUST take alot of photo de..)
Others at FB na..

OK than on sat 29 may,  went to kenn hse for steamBoat.. and TOOK ALOT OF PHOTO la right.. i just show SOME here na, MORE at FB ok, feel free to check them out.. :)
posting 17 PHOTO here na, out of 70++photo.. anyway most of the pic we look weird na,, LOL..
a few SHOOT when we first reach kenn HSE..
most of them taken from meat meat lappy na..
few shoot with my SIS :)
trying to capture joshua and YEAH we did it.. 
joshua is in the PIC.. :)

people in this: EMz, PL, JL, XH, SY, YT

Peace picx
More dude..
me and batman was showing GLEE.. :)

the So called "HAPPY family"
but not all of them are in this picx, samuel and joshua and kenn didi not HERE na..
but i love this.. 
than samuel appear but not tgt with joshua..

while we are playing some game.. :)
anyway most of the pic, nic hand keep covering YT face na..

Than ytd sun 30may, it's mak birthday, so asked him to come to my hse to celebrate with him as part of the reason is i sleep till too late liao, and i too lazt and dun feel like going out na.. so just help me celebrate his birthday at my hse na.. :)
the food he had for birthday.. :)


 i LOVE didi.. :)
a pic of showing that i'm having my secong piece of cake, i LOVE to eat cake.. :)
and it look un glam as USUAL na..

and just being random for NOW, i just want to say I LOVE and MISSES all my beloved friends.. :)
HUGS and KISSES to them..
* while hugging and kisses them, all the friends PUSH me away*.. LOL
Alien MISSES her friends..

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