Tuesday, May 04, 2010


MONDAY over and monday blue' is OVER too, actually my Monday is kinda exciting and happening na, firstly, at 11am++ Didi woke me UP and told me that SIS hamster "Pi Zi" is giving birth.. OMG na (anyway so many days passes, that was the earliest time i have woke up, all thanks to Didi) Pi Zi gave birth like very pain nor, ahyia who gave birth not pain de sia..LOL (GIRLS are always suffering, UNLIKE those FUCKING GUYS, CHOP them OFF man) 

PiZi feeding her baby hamster

Than is like mother hamster giving birth than need to separate from the male one marh, so we put the male hamster "Mao Zi" to another smaller cage na,  ( the cage that sis last time de hamster "kilo" use one) than is like when MaoZi are in the SMALLER cage alone, he looked sad and lonely na, LOL, too bad, he is a father already wow.. =)  
Lonely MaoZi

Than about the cage, maozi cage is like so SMALL na, than look's like he is inside tha hamster "jail" na.. LOL

Compare of the Cage, (top-maoZi, Bottom- PiZi)

COOl huh.. LOL
So i woke up at 11++am than see the hamster awhile than as usual what i usaull do once i woke up, switch ON the COMputer.. hehex, if not seriously at home nothing to do na, online at least can go find job and OFCOUSE i'm 24hrs on FACEBOOK de na, LOL, hmm actually not really 24HOURS na, just that i will KEEP udating my FB one na, plus nowDays, i'm also in Myspace too.. Uu guys can add me in MYSPACE too, link are on this page too.. top left hand, below the FB thinngy.. xD
than update FB awhile and see those celebrity FB than i had added, after checking them out, than watched GLEE Ep13, (ok i know i was like kinda SLOW la right) NOW had uploaded till Ep16, latest already.. xD i watched it on TV-DOME ( here's the LINK - http://www.tv-dome.net/category/glee/ , the webSite, TV-Dome also had alot of english drama too, so I LOVE Tv-Dome, plus all the Glee Episode are working WELL too.. YEAH, LOVE Glee.. especially Mark Salling as PUCK, Cory Monteith as Finn, Chris Colfer as Kurt, Kevin McHale as Artie Abrams.. LOVE all the guys na, AND one more hot thinngy, (heart) mark Salling HOT BODY and Cory Monteith height and his sharp beautiful nose.. {LOTS OF (HEARTS) to them}

after watching GLEE, i watched "The Bounty Hunter" hehex, that show is kinda NOT BAD na.. interesting and funny nor.. and know what, i realized that jennifer aniston have the body sia, although she is 41yrs old NOW, but she look's HOT huh.. she have the curve man. WOOo..
The Bounty Hunter "CLIPS"
 and this scene, you can see jennifer aniston curve na..
she has the Butt and boods and BODY..
PLUS this scene is kinda LOL too..(" are you trying to seduce me" )

NOT bad huh.. LOL
OMG, i sounded kinda perv again.. LOL.. actually some girls are really GOOD stuff na, but mostly their attitude is like WTF na, just wanna fuck them and killed them nia, LOL..

Anyway like when i was watching the bounty hunter half-way, than PAUSED, because we are celebrating grandma birthday and mother's day TGT.. xD  (anyway i also not that sure that when is grandma birthday, sis say is 3/5 nor, anyway same as MAY too.. xD) SO just HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Grandma and same goes to MAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAY.. LOVES.. :)  plus plus plus, early HAPPY MOTHER'S day to my beloved MUMMY, lot's of LOVE for her.. KISSES too.. and when we are celebrating, daddy is like SO omg na, keep video and take pic na, lol, sometime my dad is so wired and funny na, BUT sometime they SUCK to MAX.. AND here are some photo taken by ME (alien who keep dreaming of becoming a MODEL somedays, hope the alien dream come true)

The CAKE of CELEBRATING grandma birthday plus HAPPY MOTHER's DAY


That the crowd of my FAMILY
(notice that above my head there is like 2 EGG just nice above na, like some kind of bunny or what)
YWAN, actually wanted to post more thing one, and wanted to watch show after blogging than sleep one, BUT now it's FREAKING 5.20AM, and OMG i'm still awake again.. HERE we GO again.. got to have my beauty sleep liao, if not will die and NOW i'm so HUNGRY.. UGhh, but just now supper is all HOMEMADE by me, had homeMade pancake which looks like prata, than cooked half boiled egg to eat, than lastly had some alcohol too.. xD
The PanCake made by me, and it freaking look like prata

simply JUST love Alcohol

DONE with everything now, it BED time, night everyONE, sweet dream to my reader too, if there IS..