Wednesday, July 07, 2010


YEAH, finally.. today OFF day, woooHoooo, than can finally can sleep till damn late, just woke up YEAH..
and finally got that energy to update my dear blogg liao.. :)  had not been update quite long huh.. cus usually when i reach back home, than started to use FB , twitter and tumblr, but not blogging, so now got that time to UPDATE.. hmmmm working life is the SAME, Boring, not fun and no one to play with, LOL, usually before yt sch reopen, we work tgt, than i very bored can disturb her and etc one, but now no one close enough to joke to and MORE na, one thing BORED.. =(
but ytd time passes VERY FAST can.. lol, got thing for me to do, but NOT alot na, PLUS i always make WRONG drink order na, ytd one customer want cold latte but i key in HOT, so end up i got to drink the latte yeah, LOL.. anyway sometime make wrong drinks order also not that bad na, LOL, you got to finish the drink.. lol.. but i don't ALWAYS make wrong order na, so that fine na right.. anyway TMR is last day again, LOL, YEAH, but got to work till 10pm, sianx, tired na.. but for money it's fine with everything na, how i wish i can earn easy money na, but NOT THOSE thing can liao, for some ppl, i think they should know what i'm trying to say ba.. LOL.. :)  
hmmm so what's my plan later on this OFF day, hmm later watch some show online than FB FB FB, twitter tweet tweet and than tumblr post post, than dinner than CONTINUE to post, tweet and update on FB.. plsu will check out myspace too.. :) so i guess doing those things time will pass kinda fast, than got to bath and SLEEP, than the next day liao, ARGHHH bored.. but YEAH last DAY... than got to rest for a few more days than next fri is my chalet liao, hhaax, can't wait, fri is officially 18 to go clubbing liao, WOOOO.. *HAPPY*.. next week COME ON, come faster YEAH..
anyway now throat kinda pain liao na, SIANX, got to recover before the chalet man, if not later got no voice to SHOUT, sing and can't eat those unhealthy BBQ food liao,lol.. so got to RECOVER fast man... yeah so NOW SHOW time.. :)
*will be back for update soon, if i feel like and if i got the time yeah* :)
RANDOM: feel like smoking now for no reason.. LOL *really random* (but too bad, i don't smoke) :)

"I can't be tamed, I can't be saved" - Can't Be Tamed - Miley Cyrus