Saturday, May 08, 2010


Guess what, ytd fri (7/05) i woke up at 9PM.. PRO right.. slept at 6am+ than woke up at's like totally fucking late na.. seriously i do admit that i REALLY SLEEP ALOT.. too much already.. than my parents keep told me that my day is the NIGHT, and my night is the DAY na.. when people are going out for work, school or SHOPPING, than at that moment, i was  SLEEPING soundly away.. than when people are going to bed, i'm fucking awake and can't sleep.. my timing is like AMERICAN la.. like our day is their night, and their night is our day.. TOTALLY OPPOSITE.. than once i woke up, my mum is like " WHO ARE YOU", than i was like thinking in my mind that " OMG, is my mum alright".. than she asked "你是人还是鬼"  than i was like CHEY, i thought she forgotten me.. LOL, actually she was telling me in another way that.. WHY THE HELL i sleep so LONG sia.. 6am to 9pm na.. WTF la right.. AGREE ??
FINE, than once i woke up, watched the 红白喜事, than cooked instant noodle to eat, (that my freaking breakfast + Lunch + Dinner + Supper la right) straight away one shoot, complete the day of my food. LOL all together in ONE MEAL.. but in the end i also  didn't finish them na.. (cooked two packet).. maybe headache than didn't finish ba, (reason for headache maybe DUE to SLEEP TOO MUCH ALREADY) than after that use com.. standard one na.. =)
NOW watching GLEE + blogging in the same time.. HEHEX, kinda slow na, watched until EP 16 NOW.. gonna watched EP 17 (the latest) later at night.. NOW (time check) is 4.53am in the MORNING again.. (once again, SO LATE than sleep again..)

YA, just print screen that, can blog and watched GLEE at the SAME TIME.. 

And love GLEE all those mash up SONGS..

THAT all for NOW.. going back to alien spaceShip for some alien beauty sleep liao.. NIGHT human world.. night's too all people too.. and morning to American.. (simply just LOVE and crazy about American peep) LOVES

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