Wednesday, August 11, 2010

KEEP ReStarting NON STOP.. =(

OK, NOW FACEBOOK is giving me problem, can't freaking log into the page and it show PROBLEM LOADING THE PAGE.. WTH can, previously is my com giving me problem, so i got to restart it over and over again, like around 5 or more time, than after that is YOUTUBE giving me problem, so restart AGAIN.. and NOW FACEBOOK giving me problem, FML can, ARGHHH, i wanna a new com na, anyone got any old com which you all don;t want and wanted to throw it away, please don't ok, donate it to me yeah, HAHAX.. lol.. ok got to restart my COM AGAIN NOW.. DAMN, HAIS.. dunno this timr round got to restart how many more time again, hais, Seriously FML can.. hate that feeling man..
anyway before restarting got to share a video i found on youtube, "Justin Bieber Gets Nailed By a Water Bottle".. So OMG can, for those BIEBER HATERS they comment on youtube that "Hahaha this just made my day" and " EAT THAT GAY!" and "thumbs up if it should have been a glass bottle" and much more really bad commet na, but for those BIEBER crazy fans and lover, they was like "AWWW poor him" and etc na..

so for me, i seriously have no comment na, althought i like bieber but not really that CRAZY love like those crazy fans na.. so hmmm just poor bieber ba, probably the person who had throw the bottle is jealous about him or what ba.. i guess.. :)
Alright, NOW got to RESTART my COM.. ARGHHH, will be back SOON, i hope everythign works WELL later "after lots of restarting.. :)