Wednesday, July 14, 2010

change of PLAN for the ALIEN

ARGHHHHH, jie jie bathing now, than i can't bath now liao, change of plan, eat supper first than watch show, than bath, after bathing watch show again, while waiting for hair to dry, than BED time.. hope i got enough sleep and wake up early to met ah fen na.. :) NOW, SUPPER time.. Curry flavor de instant noodle.. :)

Hours LEFT

yeah, counting down.. :) but actually i think that there will be NO DIFFERENT na, but i still got to wake up damn early tmr 15th JULY to meet fen fen to get hotdog and than head to yishun to meet mak and got to go sheng shiong to buy and prepare those chalet thing liao, i guess this year, would be my MOST tiring birthday man, and got to stress and get pissed with alot of thing before birthday too.. WTF na.. sianx, hais.. OK, hmmm 1 more hour to 15th july.. :) *no different anyway* but can't wait for chalet this fri.. :) HAPPY.. ok, got to bath than cook supper, instant noodle, only left curry flavor, than after supper watch one episode of ANTM than FB awhile than BED time.. :)

“Strawberry cream is like a dream, my fantasy is reality / When the morning comes, I know that I will, too.” “Sex for Breakfast” = Christina Aguilera

swim swim swim and now PISSED PISSED PISSED

hmm actuallly can say is ytd na, 13 of july, but i feel more cofortable saying today na, LOL. so YEAH.. bare with it than.. :)
Today went swimming with zc and my Bro.. actually ytd he asked wanna go swimming at 4pm not, but i was like O.O 4pm no more SUN to SunTan already  ne, so nv gave me an answer, but today i woke up at 2pm going to 3pm+, than he asked again, so i agree cus that moment i got that swimming mood marh, hehex.. and just nice, bro just came back from sch so i asked him to tag along too.. than once i woke up, did not have breakfast but instead i had Durain, as my aunt they are just brought Durain back marh, so JUST eat that, no harm, but do find it weird that no having breakfast but eating durain huh.. LOL after preparing ate Durain, that why we are late for meeting zc na.. hahx, he also did complain to me na, he waiting for like half an hour na, but last time i waited for him like an hour PLUS na, but cannot blame na, that day was raining that why, but who can compare to Tako who had waited for me like two hour na.. OPPPS, lol..
OOO YA, than just now once we strip and prepare ready for swimming than it's like it started to RAIN na, WTF.. but luckily not that big na, so we continue to swim, hmm actually not swimming for me and didi na, just swimming for zc nia, as we don't know how to swim PLUS we don't have the swimming goggles too.. SAD..
than swimming and BLAH BLAH BLAH na..
had KFC for "dinner" as we went back also need to have dinner again one na.. :) Arghhhhh no mood to blog liao na, SO DAMN HUNGRY NOW.. SHIT.. i need FOOD na.. *cry*..
FINE, than i got to head to bed now, before i PAST OUT of hunger..
and YEAH today 14th JULY which also mean ONE MORE day till 15th JULY, but on that day thurs 15th of july, got to go out and buy and prepare those chalet food and thing na, SIANX.. but IT"S MY BIRTHDAY just one more day.. hmmmm not much different anyway, but also can't wait till chalet that day na.. PARTY, ENJOY, FOOD, and ETC..
BUT now seriously like not much ppl confrim with me they coming not na, not much ppl tell me they staying over night Anot too, and also never tell me when, what time they coming ALSO.. WTF na, keep asking than no reply was given back, GOt na, those reply are just, "i'll tell you again", "see first nor" , "should be" and MORE those WTF reply na.. sianx, i guess later i woke up got to Either SMS or CALL them and ASK and DOUBLE Confrim na.. WTF na.. hais.. before 18th birthday, i already Stree about this kind of small little thing liao na, ARGHHHH WtF can.. DAMn.. OK bed time, no more complaining already..
Night readers.. :) XOXO..

"i need food, i need food, hmmm hmmm" - FOOD hunt BY Jael Tan.. ( ME).. LOL