Saturday, May 17, 2014

Back after 5 months, and YES, lots and lots of stuff, shit, problem , happiness, interesting etc happening within this short 5 months only.. , after since broke up with that two years bf, *ehhh so call two years nah* , i tght i've found someone i can rely on for the next lifetime, but well i was wrong again, so yep, staying alone, single will be much more better for now i guess, guys CHEY what's that, got or no, no diff, as i suffer alone, work hard alone, pain alone and etc, guys leh, happy le go off and etc, shall not say much oh well, NEVER TRUST PEOPLE ESPECIALLY GUYS.. imma become a lesbian, ehhh any girls single and heees, i would love to date you girls.. etc etc etc.. empty brain but so wannnnted to blog, lol..
shall not say much about this sad life (FOR NOW), will be back after recover, and will always remember this two date 270612 and latest 160514, two years apart and you will always be loved.. stay happy in heaven please.. and rmb those ETC ~~~~~.. xoxo

OH RMB THIS, you will see the 'fat'.. lol

and this is how i make myself smile and etc even though i'm deeply hurt inside..

And will always rmb my beloved bao bei too, there for me when im done and stand up for me.. so much loved, heees..

will never forget this, katy perry can do it, all other people can do it, i can too.. stay strong as always, support me and cheer on me people, heees..xoxo

OH ya, and i guess im addicted to prawning too, anyone, up for prawning tgt soon, PM me on fb or twitter ahhahaha.. lol

AND BAM, celebrating new year 2014 with my beloved 9 years of friends.. they are still the best..
hotel stay weeee..

Rmb that tummy..

AND yep, River safari with my beloved family, heees.

GOT SO LUCKY not, lol
although it's just small amount but this make me so WOOHOOO

OH YA, and i've stop partying for so long too, but well, guess it;s time to go back, anyone partying too.. rmb the steps, lol PM me..


10 YEARS apart, childhood friends.. <3 font="">

Valentine's Day,


Alright, that's all , lol shall call it photo blog, not words blog anymore.. Cheers and hope i can stand up stronger then ever soon enough ba.. XOXO
so much hate and love.. 
always love you..superman

"Just a second we're not broken just bent, and we can learn to love again" - Pink - Just give me a reason

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