Tuesday, December 03, 2013


Nothing much to say , not in the mood recently, was left here all alone again, kindly ignore all those sweet post of me and him then.. second time and that's it ba.. since last tue 26th it's the date of anniversary 1 year 9 months, and long story started.. Don't even know why broken up and all, , it leave silently, silent break is the worse kind ever, don't even know what went wrong and all, delete and block too..hais, had done enf already.. i hope i can move the fuck on, never knew that in my life i would know such guy who can proposal and make all those vow and saying going ROM, promised, but end up just leave in silent ;(
well i need to stay strong ba, miley cryus also end of the engaged ,me too, she can stay strong i can too, jiayou :)

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