Sunday, December 21, 2014

happily ever after..

Hey peeps "insert accent" Teehee..
work life and dating heees.. im very grateful for everything i have now.. heees.. my family,  my friends, and my beloved bf :) heees..
rmb i used to say i wanan get married and etc with that guy, oh well yep i do love the proposal he gave but well no point saying it over and over again right hee.. past is the past..but sometime this brain of mine will BABOOM think back of the past and emo nemo ~~ etc.. heeees, but well im living the best of my life now..:) work is awesome so much fun and laughter with my colleague "Which is now my awesome friends aka sisters" hees.. love them much :) xoxo, sometime break down at work, stress for no reason and etc.. well guess that part of me didn't change much.. hahah.
let god and faith does it's job now ba.. YOLO but not very much YOLO :)
last and not least, I LOVE YOU :) 
picture time :) 

loving my bf :) Hees

and well for family we are forever and always the best and happening.. heees

On my birthday 15/7 heees

and ofcourse my gg 10 years beloved friends :) 

So do you all miss me, well if there still anyone reading my blog, hahah, guess it all "spiderweb" all around this blog already that why im back again, well very rarely, cus due to work and etc nah Heees:) 
miss me and i'll miss you too :) 

Peace out and signing off:) 

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