Tuesday, June 08, 2010

first day SUCKS

ytd 7/06 was my first day of work at farEast su-korea.. and it totally fucking SUCK na..  perhaps, if their regular customer saw this, they will be like O.O   .. their staff meal is like WTF na, but actually not that WTF na, jus that when Uu see those food, you wont have that appetite to ate that na, UNLESS you are damn HUNGRY, so that what i'm always have that problem, (ALWAYS HUNGRY)  and their menu is like so confuse de na.. And the utensil is like so NOT clean one na.. the clothes (to wipe those wet utensil) is like still wet than they teach me to like just wipe over it na.. it's like WTF no different de nor.. Than when wiping the tables, using wet clothes to wipe marh, than when it's not dry yet, they told me to put up new plates and utensil already na.. WTF na, so DAMN no clean and FUCKING unhygienic na.. OMG, i PROMISE that, if i got the chance when i'm not working there already, i would NOT ever try their food na.. althought i'm working over there now, sohave to eat their staff meal EVERYDAY na.. save money also.. PLUS Need to continue work on, before i really got a chance to find a new job.. *i guess would be LONG ba*  so NOW, i just got to continue working ON, to earn MORE money nor.. hais, NO CHOICE..
AND i was (or we was *all those waitress or staff*) suppose to wash those desserts fork and wash those drinks glasses na.. WTF right, and got to cut fruits *those dessert* in the morning too, and later i got the morning shift again,DAMN.. AND they have split shift too.. WTF nor, DAMN hard to earn liao na.. ARGHHH.. seriously if i got time, i need to seriously find a new better earning job na.. CUS i HATE SPLIT SHIFT.. like that also earn not that much na, like no different as the previous work at SARANG nor.. SPLIT SHIFT SUCKS.. earn little too.. ARGHHH... 

So anyone who got any lobang of new job, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell and inform me can.. i want a better, clean and hygienic job na..

EVERYTHING SUCK now, hope to have a better earning job..
get naked will be alright for photoShoot.. LOL.. easy cash ne..

"For those who don't know me, I can get a bit crazy" - I can't be tamed =MILEY Cyrus..

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