Monday, June 07, 2010


DAMN, left 6 more hours +++, than i'll be working, damn worried + excited.. worried about working alone at an unfamiliar place and worried about LOTS of things na.. but hope everything went smoothly and well ba.. JIAYOU.. :) and hope i can cope all those things too.. got to sleep early, if not later no energy for work.. but i scared that i can't sleep na.. JAEL *alien* = night owl *alien*..  (anyway just thought of what may said that, i'm really obsessed with my *alien* nick)  INDEED.. :)

(AND ytd i nv went to SENTOSA . DAMN sad.. due to headache that morning.. pissed off, can;t get my tanned done before working day, NVM, if next time i got OFF DAY,  i will confirm be going to sentosa to get my DREAM tanned skin tone done.. :)

ok now got to catch some *peaceful* sleep now..
nights to all reader too, ( if there is one alive in my alien world, LOL)

"Sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare" - SWEET DREAM = Beyonce

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