Thursday, June 10, 2010

Copying note from Fb

 The post that i post on FB. when i can't freaking go into the blogger page.. BUT today CAN.. *HAPPY*

Title = Changes
DAMN pissed of with blogger nor, can't go into the web again.. ARGhhh.. than second day of work, is like much better, but everything sucks.. i guess form now on, i'll be hating far east that area ba.. LOL..
tmr same timing 10.30 start work, hais, need to wake up damn early na, due to the freaking long transport.. took bus 502 ( goona keep topping up my card already, $2 bucks per trip from my hse to orchard) than i need to wake up at latest 8.15am to perpare and gonna wait for bus at around 9.00am na, need around 1 hours to reach there nor, if got traffic jam, than i die liao na, so everytime, need to wake up that early and wait for the bus.. anyway ytd i almost miss the bus na.. if not i got to wait for another 21min for the bus to come and at that time, it's already 9.20am++ na.. HATE waiting for buses that came damn slow one..
got to sleep already, actually i should sleep earlier one, but i can't, maybe get use to it already.. sianx.. hais.. hope third day of work later, everything will be fine.. HAIS,
i WANT TO CHANGE JOB NA..ANY JOB NEWS / LOBANG pls contact or inbox me man.. LOL
job hunting wanted..

ANYWAY christina aguilera album "BIONIC" is OUT, OMG.. but too bad, i no time to shop and buy her album PLUS i also dun have that money now, NOWDAYS VERY POOR.. (hope to get the pay SOON, anyway i also dunno one hour how much they are paying me na, lol, i guess is around 6 per hour ba, plus i also dunno i work as full time or part time nor, LOL, everything DON'T KNOW..)
AND GAGA alejandro video is OUT, and after i watched that, i was like OMG.. AWESOME, and i found in kinda weird na.. but that who she is, been a unique person.. OMG, i just love her also..

PS: now 987fm playing "NOT MYSELF TONIGHT".. LOVES,, and it's like everytime when is like i'm about to sleep, they play the song.. OMG, the fate of me and the song na.. LOVE that song to MAX..

night world.. and one more thing.. BLOGGER SOMETIME SUCKs alot, can't go into the page.. ARGHHH..

BIONIC is OUT.. *happy*
Alejandro video = awesome..
And ytd 9thJune, using the wi-fi there and "blog" in FB.. (the note) 
Title = Tired..
26 more min to 10.30am for .. Work.. Hais, everyday work, totally sucks to max.. Yao bu shi wei le money, I also wont continue to work at this Fucking gross place na.. And everyday, my legs feel like it's breaking off real soon nor, Hais.. And this Fucking place is So freaking bored na, music is like Wtf one, how I wish they can play 987fm or something nice na.. Hais.. Everyday sucks.. OOok going to start work already.. Anyway writing note through fone is like kinda wired na.. Lols.. OOok off to work and suffer already.. Hais..
DONE from copying..

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