Thursday, June 10, 2010


this year 2010.. NOTHING went out to be well, in my life.. NOTHING.. everything SUCK na.. more family problem, always quarrel, DAMN noisy, than work.. EVERY job SUCKs, ALL those good buddy gone (only left my GF ) and is like everytime i need listener, i dunno who to approach to na, as i think NO one will understand and fucking care na, will just think that i'm talking bull shit and what so ever.. everything just turn out to be bad or worse na.. not all those that i expected na.. EVERYONE sucks too.. family included, but NOT for my mum only.. hais.. why can't that there is some kind of pill where you can just ate it and that knock off to bed than few minutes later, YOU ARE DEAD.. that what i hope and think for now, LIFE JUST simply suck, and dream will NEVER ever be TRUE and granted.. HAIS..
today woke up at 5pm+++ , it;s like finally na,, off day.. than tmr till next week dunno when got off again, na, and i just fucking hate everything over there na.. and was planning to tell the person tmr that can i work not that long hour as not to work too early and not end that late.. transport there is like one hour plus na, than is like work that early, need to wake up damn early too na.. if work early than end early good na, i fucking dun wan ONE freaking whole day KEEP working man.. and the environment and those fucking gross utensil is like so WTF not clean nor..  if few more days still like that suck and the same fucking timming, i think i will be quitting already na, so NOW looking for another job AGAIN..Just cried over some thinggy about this gross fucking job, and was discussing with mummy about that also.. HAIS.. than just now when i was crying, bro saw that, than he cried also na.. he damn cute na.. lol.. hais..
got to bath and before sleeping gonna watch glee the season final..(to cheer myself up also) and got to sleep early too.. tmr got fucking work AGAIN.. SUCK to MAX..

"It's my life! It's now or never , I ain't gonna live forever" -GLEE Cast guys..

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