Wednesday, April 14, 2010

WHAT a tiring day

Just now went bugis with mummy, sis and mak.. got quite a lot of thing xD, NEW clothes too, YEA and it like finally got a new bag.. (which that my two other bag had SPOIL until dunno what liao, "but i love them")
than actually wanted to buy some new flats and wedges one, but all of them are like either TOO ex or not really that Nice or suit me na, so got no SHOES.. plus i also though that getting new heels too, but is like i HAVE more heel than flats plus i never had a single wedges before, plus also though that wearing wedges to shopping or outing, the PAIN will b like MUCH more lesser na, which compare to my those beloved HEELS, but i also find kinda wired to have wedges na, cus for me i ONLY BUY HEELS, ( still looking for the PERFECT PLATFORM heels) and not wedges.. so had not much idea abt wedges na.. but i swear that i gonna get a wedges real soon, everything GOT to try one man.. and today when walk pass the bikini stall, i feel like buying some different colour bikini , as i ONLY have BLACK bikini na, PLUS two sets of it is BLACK too.. so i WANT some HOT pink or blue bikini na, as long as it's not BLACK can already.. want new bikini NA.. UGhh..
so after shopping ( as today didn't shop that LONG as i U had read the pervious post, i did not sleep for the day na, DID NOT SLEEP FOR ONE WHOLE FUCKING DAY na) we took bus back to clementi, half way, mak ask that whether want go to gusttimo for dinner na, so we got down the bus, but sis went home first as she got exam in two week time, i think so.. so me, mummy and mak went for dinner at gusttimo, i feel kind of awakened na, (for no reason) that had "chef" special order, we had steak and some beer too.. plus gelato too,  but end up, the gelato become "water" it melts na.. kind of wasted na..  so after that took 502 back home, PLUS on the way home we was chatting non stop, as all of us are standing tgt, PLUS i can't stop talking, IF not i'm afraid that i would really stand and FALL ASLEEP.. so keep talking non stop, but mostly alll the thing which come out from my mouth is like nonsenses na.. perhaps that i'm fucking too tired already..
than went home took a nap for NOT MORE than 3min, my family TURN out to be a MESS once AGAIN..
5 of us, mum, dad, sis, bro and me, QUARREL .. actually i didn't do or involve in anything and i also dun fucking know what;s going on, as when i'm on the sofa, suddenly sis cam out of the room shouting and than floow by mum and dad, plus Bro crying too, actually it abt HW again.. hais, MY HSE always had fight, quarrel and lots more, i could be seldom that we are peaceful one.. INTERESTING le right.. WTF na, HATE them shouting man, UGHhh life suck, and now days i get pisses off VERY easily na, SO nowdays PLS dun make or do thing that i will be unhappy abt, if not i would not know that when i got mad, what would i do to the person who had cause those thingyy which got me MAD.. and i did mean REAL FUCKING mAD.. UGhh, Y i get so piss off that easily)
OK seriously i got to get some sleep already, ONE fucking whole day i DID not sleep , till now is like already NO bad le na, SO now my eye is like closing and my brain is gonna SHUT DOWN soon.. so nitex and sweet dream.. LOVES
being random as usual : i MISS and freaking in LOVE with ANTM, UGHh, wanna be on top?   MISS those model i LOVE,  IMY  A.J.. America's Next Top Model is ------------.. i miss tyra voice, ( so sudden)
UGhh, feel like watching ANTM now, but my eye half way close liao, So SHOW i'll be BACK tmr as usual.. plus i think this POST is wired and RANDOM na, cus my energy bar is going to be red and LOW BATT soon, so mayb i dun even know what i'm blogging.. NITEX bloggier
ANTM my favorite as USUAL, and it will NEVER change..

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