Wednesday, April 14, 2010

time PASS fast

seriously i do think TIME PASSES fast.. faster than i think, or is it i'm the only one who think it's FAST..  woke up at 5++ going to 6pm today.. oK, i know it like kind of ridicules, but it;s like NORMAL for me liao, everyday slept at 4am+ than usua;y woke up at around earliest 2 or 3+, lastest 5 or 6+ PM na.. =)
so today woke up at  6+ than one miss call frm partner than chat for a while, than ONLINE till 7+, dinner than went down to withdraw $, and gave beloved mummy some$, than had our supper SATAY, and Heineken..( my favorite, LOVES) and know what,  when didi is having his root beer, he accidentally drop his drinks than the WHOLE drink got onto his whole shirt + pants.. i was laughing SO hard na, i know i'm BAD.. but can't stop laughing when didi had that expression on his cute little face na.. AWWW i love my brother, LOTS of HUG.. he's so CUTE.. AWWWw  kisses too.. xD
than when on the way back home, below my hse there's an shope seeling second hand phone na, than i saw a cyber shot phone which only COST $ 135 bucks nia, is like O my FUCKING god, cheap de na. but the quality of the phone is like not really good le na, i mean the appearance of the phone.. but is like only 135bucks nia, plus is CYBER SHOT phone na the phone is C902.. xD i was thinking that should i change to that fone.. it's ONLY 135BUCKS, plus if i sell my current phone, than change to the C902, it only cost like around 60 to 70 bucks na.. OMG CHEAP CHEAP nor, BUT should i change,,  UGH SHOULD I CHANGE.. OK, my current phone is T700 than should i change to C902.. UGHhh should i, DEAR beloved visitor pls tell me should i change or NOT, (if Uu had read this post) (rmb to comment ok xD)
OK, than once i got home, we had sushi again, (sushi that mak had bought to my hse YTD night or i can say is today morning around 12am++) and had beer too, (mak brought those beer too) we had Heineken at coffee shop than went home had VODKA again, hahx, today is "drinking BEER day" LOL..     [ OK not funny, bw i'm like laughing to myself now na right] 
ok, i'm done blogging liao, NOW it's BATHING time.. hehex, plus now i searching Selena Gomez show "wizards of waverly place" the TV series na.. xD, had that interest in watching the TV series after i had watch her wizards of waverly place movie series.. now it's TV series time, but before searching ans watching the show, i got to BATH first man.. so HOT now, although it's raining now xD
PLUS i had alot of SHOW waiting for me, and ALL watch till HALF WAY only, UGHh, got to catch up soon with those half way tv series man.. xD

PS: i had not been doing all those thing anymore, y can't everyone believe ME.. YYYYYYY..
and i'm fucking not interesting in you man, BITCH.. but partying with you, is great la right.. it's all for FUN only.. xD

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